The purpose of this list is two-fold; it is for use as a shopping list, and for keeping check on the tools in your stash. The items marked in bold should be considered 'essential' - the rest are optional depending upon the target. The numbers in brackets represent the ideal number to have when more than one person is involved)
[ . ] Clothes (set per saboteur) [ . ] First aid kit (1 of) [ . ] Rope [ . ] Twoway radio [ . ] Gloves (set per saboteur) [ . ] Torch (for night-time work) [ . ] Whistle [ . ] Goggles (1 set per saboteur) [ . ] Heavyduty side cutters (1 per saboteur) [ . ] Pipe cutter [ . ] Spanners set/socket set [ . ] Stanley knife (1 per every 2 saboteurs) [ . ] Sugar/syrup (quantity depends on target) [ . ] Blow torch [ . ] Ferric chloride/strong acid [ . ] Sharp standard/bevelled chisel [ . ] Hand/cordless drill [ . ] Set of metric/imperial allen keys [ . ] Crowbar/jemmy ( 1 per every 2 saboteurs) [ . ] Superglue (>5 grams per saboteur) [ . ] Anaerobic glue/threadlock [ . ] Mastic/sealing resin Bitumen sealant [ . ] Potting compound [ . ] Bolt cutters [ . ] Adjustable wrench/pliers (1 per 2 saboteurs) [ . ] Hacksaw |
Spade Scredrivers: [ ] Small - [ ] Medium - [ ] Large
Posidrive Screwdrivers:
Drill bits (HSS):
Flat files:
Needle file
[ . ] 4 to 6 feet of plastic pipe |