Clearcuts springing up in every nook and cranny of the
National Forests; high-voltage power lines marching arrogantly across desert
valleys and Midwest farms; seismograph crews scarring roadless areas with their
bulldozers, thumper trucks, and explosives; survey stakes and their Day-Glo
orange flagging warning of who-knows-what awful scheme; and the ubiquitous
signs of overgrazing on public lands are the hallmarks of the industrial siege
on the wild and open space areas of America. As Ed Abbey said, it looks like an
invasion, an invasion from Mars.
As good patriots, lovers of our native land, it is our duty
to resist invasion and to defend our planet. The following chapter describes
some of the tools for that defense. A hammer and nails to save the forests, a
pair of gloves to pull up survey stakes, a socket wrench for power towers ...
and so on.
The assault on wild nature is on marginal financial ground. By making it cost even more, a few monkeywrenchers can stop the destruction in many places and slow it in others. As evidence of how effective even a few actions can be, look at the hue and cry being raised by the timber industry, their flunkies in the Forest Service, and their hired politicians over a small number of tree-spiking operations. If they multiply their efforts, wilderness defenders can save significant blocks of wild country.
Tree spiking can be an extremely effective method of
deterring timber sales, and seems to be growing more and more popular. Mill
operators are quite wary of accepting timber that may be contaminated with
hidden metal objects, saws are expensive, and a "spiked" log can
literally bring operations to a screeching halt, at least until a new blade can
be put into service. The Forest Service and timber industry are very nervous
about spiking-when they or the media raise the subject of monkeywrenching, this
is the form most commonly discussed. Agency and industry officials are loath,
however, to raise the subject. Indeed, the Forest Service (FS) often fails to
publicize incidents of spiking, on the theory that the less the practice is
publicized, the less likely it is to spread. When the Freddies (FS officials)
do publicly acknowledge that a spiking has occurred, they often make a
considerable effort to find the perpetrators, even to the point of offering
substantial cash rewards. (No modern-day tree spiker has been caught, however.)
There are two basic philosophies of tree-spiking. Some
people like to spike the base of each tree, so that the sawyer, in felling the
tree, will almost certainly encounter one of the spikes with the chain saw.
This would at the very least require the sawyer to stop and sharpen the saw,
and might require the replacement of the chain. If this happens with enough
trees, the amount of "down time" caused to the sawyers would pose a
serious hindrance to operations. In this type of spiking, the spiker drives
several nails (or non-metallic spikes, about which more later) at a downward
angle into the first two or three feet above ground of each tree. The nails are
spaced so that a sawyer, in felling the tree, is likely to hit at least one of
There is an objection to this type of spiking-the
possibility, however remote, that the sawyer might be injured, either by the
kickback of the saw striking the nail, or by the chain, should it break when
striking the spike. A friend of ours who worked for many years as a logger in
Colorado says that in numerous incidents of striking metal objects with his saw-including
one time when the impact was great enough to cause him to swallow his chaw of
tobacco-he never once had a broken chain or was otherwise hurt. Yet the
possibility is there. Because of this possibility, we do not recommend this
type of spiking.
The second philosophy of tree
spiking is to place the spikes in the trees well above the area where the
fellers will operate-as many feet up the trunk as one can conveniently work.
The object of the spiking in this case is to destroy the blades in the sawmill.
Since in large mills the blades are either operated from a control booth some
distance from the actual cutting, or are protected by a Plexiglas shield, this
method is unlikely to cause anyone physical injury even should a blade shatter
upon striking a spike, which is unlikely. It is true that in small,
"backyard" sawmills the operator might be standing close to the
blade, but we assume that anyone contemplating spiking would never consider
doing it on other than large timber sales where the trees are destined for a
corporate, rather than a small, family-operated mill. Locally owned and
operated sawmills are seldom a major threat to wilderness. The major threats
come from the big, multinational corporations whose "cut-and-run"
philosophy devastates the land and leaves the local economy in shambles when
all the big trees are cut and the main office decides to pull out and move to
greener pastures.
I anticipate an objection at this point. "Wait a
minute," someone says, "if the purpose of spiking trees is to save
them from being cut, then what good does it do if the tree wrecks a blade in
the mill? It's too late to save the tree, isn't it?" The answer is that
the value of spiking is as a long-term deterrent. If enough trees in roadless
areas are spiked, eventually the corporate thugs in the timber company
boardrooms, along with their corrupt lackeys who wear the uniform of the Forest
Service, will realize that timber sales in our few remaining wild areas will be
prohibitively expensive. And since profits are the goal, they will begin to
think twice before violating the wilderness.
In many cases, people have spiked timber in a threatened
area, and then have sent (anonymous!) warning to the authorities. If this is
done before the timber has actually been sold, the effect on competitive
bidding can be considerable. (The Forest Service plans timber sales years in
advance, but actual sale of the timber to a logging company is one of the last
steps in the process.) In fact the sale may be quietly dropped. In cases where
the timber has already been sold prior to spiking, the Freddies (upon receiving
a warning) have sent crews into the woods to locate and remove the spikes-at
substantial expense in overtime to the agency. If this happens often enough, it
can not fail to reduce the total number of timber sales substantially,
particularly in this era of federal budget deficits.
We will describe here several methods of spiking trees, go
into the "when" and the "where" of spiking, and deal with
the sensitive matter of when and how to announce a spiking. First, though, we
stress some basic security considerations.
Spiking trees is potentially dangerous. The Forest Service has increased its law-enforcement budget considerably in the last few years, and one reason has been the increased incidence of monkeywrenching. Another reason for increased law enforcement has been the stepped-up campaign by the Feds to eliminate marijuana growing from the public lands, but it should be obvious that a cop in the woods looking for dope will arrest any monkeywrenchers he or she might encounter by chance as well.
The Freddies (and other Federal
land-use agencies as well) are becoming increasingly sophisticated in law
enforcement, and it is foolish to underestimate them. According to a 1986 column
by Jack Anderson, these agencies employ such tactics as surveillance (of
suspicious persons), and mail interception (presumably again involving those
who have for some reason attracted their suspicions). They may have agents in
the woods in plain clothes, posing as hikers, campers, or fishers; and it is
even possible that agents might be in the woods at night on stakeouts, equipped
with night-vision devices.
If a monkeywrencher is
contemplating spiking trees in a remote roadless area long in advance of a
timber sale, the chances of encountering cops are relatively slim. Conversely,
if a highly controversial timber sale is involved, especially one in which
monkeywrenching already has been committed or at least threatened, the danger
to the monkeywrencher is very real. For this reason alone it is preferable to
spike trees preventively, rather than as a last-ditch effort to save a
seemingly doomed grove.
Most veteran tree spikers agree that tree spiking should never be done alone. In addition to the
person or persons who are doing the actual spiking, at least one person should
have the sole duty of acting as lookout. Some experienced tree spikers
recommend three lookouts for both spiking and silent pinning. At the first
sign of any other people in the vicinity,
spiking should cease and the team should quietly withdraw. The team should use
the drop-off and pick-up method of access, and should follow all recommended
precautions as to clothing, footwear, and tools (see the Security chapter).
Some experienced tree spikers, however, argue that it is
best to always monkeywrench alone, even with tree spiking, so that you never
have to worry about the reliability of your partner. They argue that careful
reconnaissance of the area to be spiked, a planned and scouted escape route,
and frequent stopping to listen make solitary tree spiking safe.
Spiking is much easier done in daylight than in the dark. A
team can work much faster in full light, and in darkness it is all too easy to
be sloppy and fail to cover up the signs of your activities. If a team is
spiking in a remote roadless area and takes full security precautions, they can
operate securely in daytime. In daylight one is more likely to encounter other
humans in the woods, but almost any activity
in the woods at night, if detected, will be deemed suspicious and investigated.
Assuming that spikers are working
in a remote roadless area, and are not working during the hunting season (a
dangerous time to be out in the woods, since on much of the public lands the
highest period of use occurs at this time), the greatest danger will be from
casual encounters with Forest Service field personnel-timber markers, survey
crews, and the like-who might be working in or near your area. Try to know
where these crews are working at all times. If you have a source within the
agency, fine, but you can more safely get this information from continued
observation and from knowing your area well. Crews tend to work in the same
area for weeks at a time, and often live in temporary field quarters (trailers
or even tents) rather than commute every day from the District Ranger Station
or Supervisor's Office. Another type of people you might encounter in the
woods, especially if you are working in the area of a timber sale which has
already been announced for public bidding, are representatives of logging
companies who might be checking out the timber before deciding their bids.
Needless to say, you do not want to fall into the hands of these people.
A general rule on when to spike might
be, "the earlier the better." If one waits until just before the
timber is sold, security problems are greater, and it will be easier for the
authorities to locate the spikes. If one spikes several years in advance of a sale, nature has time to disguise the work by
growing completely over the spikes. Of course, if the Freddies have already
marked the boundaries of the sale area (or even the individual trees to be
cut), the spiker knows exactly where to work without any guessing.
Nevertheless, with proper intelligence monkeywrenchers can have a good idea of
where future timber sales will be long before the marking stage.
The Forest Service earmarks specific
timber sales five years in advance. Moreover, in their 50-year Forest Plans,
the Freddies conveniently identify all of the concentrations of
"commercial" timber in each National Forest-and all too often, they
openly acknowledge that they intend to cut almost all of it, sooner or later.
(See "Target Selection" in the Basic Security section in the Security
chapter for secure means of keeping posted on what an agency is up to.) Study
the data and identify areas of critical interest to you that appear to be
threatened. With plenty of advance warning, you can act deliberately and
Since activists may be unable to attend to all timber sales
well in advance, much monkeywrenching will occur at the last possible minute;
so it is helpful to have a basic knowledge of timber marking practices.
Unfortunately, there is no uniform system, and practices may change from time
to time. Timber markers generally use spray paint, although sometimes flagging
(or flagging and paint) is used to
mark the boundaries of the area (the "unit") within which cutting
will take place. One color will be used to mark the perimeter, while another
color will be used to mark individual trees to be cut within the unit. In a clearcut, only the perimeter is marked,
since everything within is to be removed. A given timber sale will usually
have several units within it, and they may be widely scattered or close
together. You may see numbers painted on some of the trees-these are the unit
numbers. At the present time in the Northern Rockies-the region with the most
roadless areas threatened by the FS-the Freddies are using red or orange paint
to mark unit boundaries, and yellow or blue paint to mark the trees within the
units which are to be cut. Trees to be cut are sometimes marked with an
"X," although sometimes only a horizontal slash of paint is used.
But beware-in timber sales in which most
but not all of the trees are to be cut, the trees which are to be left may be painted. Because of the many
differences in marking practices, you should know the system being used in your
National Forests list timber sales
years in advance. Some even indicate if they are in roadless areas and which
roadless areas. The safest and most effective tree spiking is done in proposed
timber sales years in advance. Spiking ideally should occur before any road
building or even surveying is under way. Such advance spiking should be
announced to prospective timber buyers and the Forest Service, but not the
media. The presence of spiked trees in timber sale areas will reduce the
commercial value of such sales and turn off potential bidders. The cost of
identifying and removing spikes may make the sale so expensive that even the
Forest Service-which habitually sells timber at a loss to US taxpayers-will
drop it.
Spiking trees many years ahead of their
scheduled sale has several advantages_ Little money has been invested in
surveying, road building, preparing environmental assessments, and the like; so
the authorities have less incentive to go ahead with a timber sale. It's more
difficult for the Freddies to locate spiked trees years after spiking, and
without easy road access they are less likely to search for spikes. Timber
buyers have not committed resources to the area and it may be easier for them
to simply not bid on a risky, possibly expensive proposition. Also the monkeywrencher's
chances of being encountered are slim. The advantage of advising only the
agency and prospective timber buyers and not the general media, is that there
will be no public loss of face if the sale is quietly dropped or left without a
bid because of the spiking. In some cases, spiked timber has been sold and cut
at a considerable financial loss to both the Forest Service and the logging
company so that they do not to appear to be intimidated by a widely publicized
tree spiking.
Basic spiking requires a large hammer and large nails. It is
difficult to drive large nails into a tree with an ordinary carpenter's hammer.
The best type of hammer to use is one of the "single-jack" variety (a
one-handed sledgehammer) with a head weighing 2-1/2 or 3 pounds. Nails should
be large, but not extremely large; the larger the nails, the more time and
energy are required to drive them. A 60 penny (60d) nail is a good size. This
is about 6-1/4 inches long and is the largest "common" nail readily
available in most building supply stores. Larger nails (called spikes) are sold
by their size in inches. Spikes should not be needed in most cases, although
they are useful for extremely large trees.
Another tool should probably be added
to the basic spiking kit: a small pair of bolt cutters, powerful enough to cut
the heads off the nails. The reason to add this tool is that in several cases,
the Freddies have sent crews into the woods to locate (with metal detectors)
and remove (with crowbars) as many spikes as possible. Cutting the heads off
the nails (after driving them nearly all the way into the tree) should make the
Freddies' task all the more fun. Drive
the nail almost all the way into the tree. Cut the head off with the bolt
cutters. Then, drive the now-headless nail the remainder of the way into the
tree. Remember, the more time and money the Freddies expend removing
spikes, the fewer trees will be cut and the more wilderness saved. We cannot
overestimate the value of removing the heads from the nails. We have heard of
at least one case in which the Forest Service has located trees with spikes so
treated and has been unable to
remove the nails. Although the Freddies publicly announced that they had
removed all the spikes, the sale was quietly scuttled.
Since the more
trees spiked, the greater the deterrent factor, one nail per tree ought to
suffice. To deter a major timber sale, the spiking of several hundred trees
might be a worthy goal, but even a few dozen spiked trees will be of some
deterrent value. It might be noted that on Meares Island in British Columbia,
opponents of logging, working systematically and in teams, have spiked
literally thousands of trees to great effect. But spiking does not have to be on
this scale to be effective.
Trees should be spiked at various
heights above the ground. While it is acceptable to drive some of the nails in
at the height of a standing person-the most convenient place-an effort ought to
be made to place them higher. There are a couple of reasons for this. First,
nails placed above head height will be more difficult for investigators to
spot, and second, if all the nails are driven in at the same height, the
searchers' task will be easier. There are a number of ways to place nails high.
Climbing spikes (metal spurs which attach to boots, used in conjunction with a
waist belt) work well. Climbing spikes are fairly expensive when purchased from
forestry supply houses, but it may be possible to locate an old pair (they are
used by smoke jumpers and others in forestry work) or to improvise a pair. Or,
a spiker can fabricate a light, portable ladder which can be carried from tree
to tree. Another method would be for the spiker to stand on a partner's
shoulders while driving the nails. Climbing tree stands, used by archery
hunters, are easily carried, quiet, and allow you to climb a tree fairly
quickly. The good ones will not harm the tree or leave marks. (Practice first!
Inexperienced users have been injured when their tree stands collapsed under
them.) In regions that get considerable snowfall, a good solution would be to
spike in the winter, using skis or snowshoes when several feet of snow cover
the ground.
Some effort should be made to cover the
signs of the work in a spiking operation. Again, the ideal spiking would take
place several years before a timber sale, giving nature a chance to hide the
evidence by growing over the nails.
However, in many cases a spiker will
not be able to do the job far enough in advance for bark to grow over the
nails. In such cases, after driving the nail in flush, the head of the nail
should be covered so as to camouflage all signs of the work. A piece of bark
fixed with glue, liquid wood, or cement over the nail is best, but pitch might
be used, or in a pinch, paint the color of the bark. A brown felt marker can
also be used to disguise the shiny head of the nail after it is driven into the
-Bill Haywood
* For large old-growth trees,
"bridge timber spikes" (about one foot long) can be particularly effective.
These spikes cost about 70 cents each and require a stout arm to drive. A heavy
hammer (small sledge) that can be gripped with both hands may be the best tool.
Building supply stores sometimes have these large spikes in bins with the rest
of the nails.
• A hand-operated bit and brace can be
used to drill holes into trees for insertion of "super spikes."
After drilling the hole, a section of sharpened rebar can be driven into the tree.
Be sure to cover the hole with bark (liquid wood or some other adhesive can be
used to secure the bark). This method of spiking is very labor-intensive, but
it shouldn't take many such spikes to deter cutting.
• Field experience in using 60d
spikes in pine, fir, and spruce shows that they can be de-headed prior to
driving them. This eliminates the necessity of carrying bolt cutters in the
field. Always bring a punch to drive the de-headed nails below the surface of
the tree. This makes removal nearly impossible.
• To avoid leaving telltale nail
heads around a spiking site, glue a plastic magnet on the top jaw of your bolt
cutters. This way, the heads can be collected when cutting off the heads of
nails in trees.
• The distinctive marks left by
your particular bolt cutters will be destroyed by pounding in the spikes. The
marks on the jaws of the bolt cutters can be removed by simply filing the
jaws. Such distinctive marks could constitute evidence if you were charged
with the crime.
• When using bolt cutters
to de-head spikes, always wear
goggles or other eye protection. The heads of the nails can really fly.
• Most large (8" to 12") spikes
are either 5/16 or 3/8-inch in diameter. Choose bolt cutters with a slightly
larger capacity than your spikes, i.e., one half-inch or larger. (Spike metal
falls into the "soft" or "medium" category on the
"capacity chart," which is a small metal tag affixed to each set of
bolt cutters.) Cutters with greater capacity cut easier and faster and last
The type of tree may dictate the
size of your spikes and whether or not you de-head them before driving. Pines
and cedars are relatively soft, allowing even de-headed 60d nails to be driven
in without bending (a de-headed 60d nail would likely bend in harder wood).
Douglas-fir is a bit harder; spikes smaller than 5/16-inch diameter should not
be de-headed prior to driving. Old-growth hemlock is extremely hard. Experiment with
the various tree species in your area.
• Some field
reports indicate that with large spikes (60d or larger) it is possible to
employ the following method: (1) Drive the spike half-way into the tree. (2)
Cut off the portion of the spike protruding from the tree, using bolt cutters
or a hacksaw. (3) Using the loose portion of the nail as if it were a center
punch, drive the imbedded part of the nail as far into the tree as it will go.
(4) Remove your "center punch," caulk the hole, and disguise it.
• Avoid imported (Korean, Taiwanese, etc.) spikes; buy US or
Canadian brands. Cheap imports may be softer and bend easier when driving.
• In spiking a
large timber sale, concentrate on the part of the sale closest to the main road
as this will tend to dissuade the contractor from cutting the rest of the sale.
(The Forest Service has allowed some logging firms to cancel the timber sale
contract after encountering spiked trees.)
• For extra
effect, combine large and small nails. Use only one large spike per tree, but
pound in several smaller nails as well. This is a good job for a partner who
cannot drive in large spikes, and it further protects the tree. The metal
detector can't tell the difference between large and small spikes.
• A military surplus green canvas ammo bag is perfect for
transporting spikes in the woods.
• You can use a
fanny pack to carry your spikes. The weight is easier to carry on the hips than
on the back. During the actual spiking, put the fanny pack in front to use like
a carpenter's apron.
• For a major
spiking operation, you may wish to stash a box of spikes in the woods in the
summer (when access is easier), and then ski in during the winter and do the
spiking. Be sure to hide the spikes where you can find them even if they are
buried under several feet of snow.
• Do not
lubricate spikes for easy driving. Most lubricants are petroleum derivatives,
all of which are poisonous to trees. Vegetable oils are nearly as toxic. They
have the added disadvantage of attracting decomposers (bugs and fungi) as they
go rancid. The bottom line is that nothing belongs in a tree except wood.
• Some concerned
folks have recommended that spikes be sterilized in rubbing alcohol or
hydrogen peroxide. But medical advisers argue that rubbing alcohol or hydrogen
peroxide would be more harmful to the tree than anything on relatively clean
• In
addition to the security reasons for wearing gloves, they will protect your
hands. A hard day of pounding spikes can blister the hands of the toughest.
Besides being painful, blisters might be considered evidence against someone
suspected of spiking.
* Some experienced tree spikers suggest
that notification of spiking is best done by issuing a blanket warning after
marking a few trees for demonstration purposes (with a spray painted white
"S"), and spiking every tree in the potential logging area.
* Tree spiking is noisy. Some spikers
suggest drilling a hole to accommodate the spike-thus reducing the amount of
noisy hammering. The problem with this is that it severely limits the number of
trees that can be spiked in a given amount of time.
Here in the Northwest, security is a
major concern. What I've found to work well is spiking in the rain. (You get
soaked, but you don't leave tracks!) Rain drastically reduces the noise
produced by hammering. Rain also seems to keep the Freddies indoors.
I also write my communiqués in the
winter, after the snows have come. It annoys the hell out of the loggers when
they know they can't look for your work until late spring.
One last suggestion: Since metal detectors are the rage of
late, I also pound in scores of small standard-type nails. They may not stop a
saw blade but they will frustrate the piss out of the guy or gal with the
detector. It also helps to camouflage where I put the real spikes.
* An amusing sidelight on tree spiking is that the Inyo
National Forest has spiked snags with 14 to 16 penny nails to "armor"
them against wood cutters. The Forest Service is protecting the snags for
wildlife habitat.
Advanced Tree Spiking Techniques
Helix (spiral) nails are the ultimate in metal spikes-these
are the type of nails that were used in large quantities on Meares Island. The
spiral makes the nail extremely difficult to remove, and removal is virtually
impossible when the head of the nail is clipped off. These nails come in three
sizes suitable for tree spiking: 8", 10", and 12" long. While
the 8" size is adequate for most jobs, the 10" and 12" sizes can
be driven even when the head has been removed in advance-a great advantage.
Driving these spikes is not easy. You will need to be in shape. You may want to
use a heavier hammer. A flat-faced, 3 pound sledge with a long handle
(18") is ideal for driving large helix spikes.
You may have to look around to find helix spikes; not all
building supply stores carry them. They are expensive, but much less so if
bought by the box. Call around (use a pay phone) to check on availability and
price (prices may vary widely). If you need an excuse for buying them, say you
are building a bridge to a piece of remote property owned by your uncle. Use
the same precautions to protect your identity in buying helix nails that you
would use with any unusual item-never
buy such nails in your own
community (unless it is a large city), never go back to the same store twice,
and never leave such things lying around your house or car.
Good quality, US-made 20"-24" bolt cutters (cost
about $80) are adequate for 60d spikes or helix spikes 8" and smaller. You
can easily carry this size bolt cutters in the woods to de-head your spikes
after you drive them most of the way into the tree. You can then drive them in
the rest of the way without their heads.
10" and larger helix spikes, 30"-36" bolt cutters are necessary.
De-head these spikes at home (large bolt-cutters are cumbersome and heavy to
carry in the woods). These larger spikes can be easily driven in without their
heads. You may prefer to rent one of these larger bolt cutters for a day or two
and dehead an entire box of spikes at home. If you do rent one (to save the
cost of purchase), do not leave your ID as security. Instead, leave a cash
deposit ($150 generally required) which will be refunded when you return the
bolt cutters.
- Jeanne Carr
• Various exotic methods have been suggested for
putting spikes into trees, ranging from crossbows to muzzle-loaders to shotguns
to spear guns. None of these seem to be worth the trouble, according to serious
tree spikers who have tried them. Stick to the basics. Similarly, suggestions
have been made that shooting bullets into trees would have the same effect as
spiking. We discourage this for several reasons: the hydrostatic shock to the
surrounding tissue in the tree from a bullet; the possibility of poisoning the
tree if copper-jacketed ammo is used; the unlikelihood of bullets in trees
being effective saw-dulling agents; the increased legal risk that comes from
using firearms; and the security problem of noise from firearms. Previous
suggestions for using nail guns ("power-actuated fastening systems")
are also now rejected due to noise, ineffectiveness, and greater complexity.
• Resistance to logging
should not be restricted to tree spiking. Many of the other techniques
described in Ecodefense can be
effective against logging. One other tactic is to cut the cable used in
skidding logs through steep terrain. At night the cables are slack. Tape the
cable before hacksawing and use cable clamps to secure the cut end to a nearby
• Keep in mind that metal
detectors are not very reliable. After the extensive and intensive spiking of
old-growth cedar on Meares Island in British Columbia, MacMillan Bloedel timber
company had poor success in locating tree spikes.
• Most experienced tree spikers
argue for keeping tree spiking simple: good old-fashioned plain steel 6 inch
spiral spikes driven in with a regular hammer and countersunk one inch below
the bark with an industrial punch. More elaborate techniques involve heavier
equipment, greater expense, more time. Simple spiking is easier and faster.
"Traditional" spiking, as described above, is relatively
simple and quite effective. However, the serious eco-raider might do well to
consider some of the alternative methods described by T. O. Hellenbach later in
this chapter. These methods require more specialized equipment, and are
therefore more costly to the spiker, but they offer distinct advantages, both
in security and effectiveness.
-- Watch
for maintenance crews working at night.
Resist the temptation to use your
spiking nails around the house. Examination of spikes can determine their manufacturer,
and it's best not to have similar nails where you live.
- In places where spiking is rampant, the authorities may go
so far as to "dust" trees with dyes in powder form. These powders are
almost invisible to the naked eye, but will show up under an ultraviolet or
"black" light. To avoid exposing oneself in such a situation,
minimize contact with the tree (you need not hug it!), put your gloves in a
plastic bag when you are done (if you're not disposing of them immediately),
and launder your clothes after you get home. You might also purchase an
ultraviolet light (available from scientific supply houses, novelty and
"head" shops). In this age of budgetary restraints, however, the
Freddies are not likely to go to this extreme except in special cases.
- Be cautious when buying large quantities of nails. Although
nails are common items and their possession (in the absence of other evidence)
would constitute only the barest of circumstantial evidence, it would be wise
never to buy them where you are known or might be remembered.
Be careful about leaving
fingerprints on spikes. After purchasing them, carefully wipe them clean and
place them in a cloth bag or wrap them up to be carried in your pack for field
use. Wear gloves while spiking trees (see below) and do not touch the spikes
unless your hands are gloved.
Federal Anti-Spiking Legislation
The so-called "Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988"
(Public Law 100-690, 100th Congress) became law in November 1988, amid great
media hoopla. This document is well worth perusing despite its 350 pages. In
addition to containing a number of provisions which seem to sacrifice some of
the most basic civil liberties for the "war on drugs," PL 100-690
also contains clauses, added as "riders" to the original legislation,
that haven't the remotest connection with fighting drugs.
One of these added provisions is of interest to monkeywrenchers, for it specifically targets tree spikers who operate on the public lands. This subsection is entitled "Hazardous or Injurious Devices on Federal Lands," and amends existing law (Chapter 91 of Title 18, US Code). Rather than attempt to paraphrase the wording of this section, I'll quote verbatim from some of the most interesting passages:
Whoever - (1)
with the intent to violate the Controlled Substances Act, 2) with the intent to
obstruct or harass the harvesting of timber, or (3) with reckless disregard to
the risk that another person will be placed in danger of death or bodily injury
... uses a hazardous or injurious device on Federal land, or on an Indian
Reservation ... shall be punished under subsection (b).
(b) spells out the penalties:
(1) If death
of an individual results, [the person convicted] shall be fined under this
title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both; (2) if serious bodily injury
to any individual results, be fined ... or imprisoned for not more than twenty
years, or both; (3) if bodily injury to any individual results, be fined ... or
imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; (4) if damage exceeding $10, 000
to the property of any individual results, be fined ... or imprisoned for not
more than ten years, or both; and (5) in any other case, be fined ... or imprisoned
for not more than one year.
The law goes on to specify that if anyone
is convicted under this subsection a second time, the minimum penalty shall be
imprisonment for up to ten years, regardless of the magnitude of the offense.
The law also spells out the difference between "serious bodily
injury" and "bodily injury"; the latter can be as simple as "a cut, abrasion,
bruise. .." There are
detailed descriptions of what constitutes a "hazardous or injurious"
device. After describing the usual "guns attached to trip wires" and
"explosive devices" that we've all read about in Reader's Digest "drug menace" articles, the law gets into
some specifics obviously aimed at monkeywrenchers rather than pot growers:
singled out are "sharpened stakes," "nails placed so that the
sharpened ends are positioned in an upright manner," and "tree
spiking devices including spikes, nails, or other objects hammered, driven,
fastened, or otherwise placed into or on any timber, whether or not severed
from the stump.
The well-read monkeywrencher will
notice that the "hazardous or injurious devices" described in this
law could describe road spiking devices as well as tree spikes.
Some other provisions of this law are also of interest to
monkeywrenchers. Both the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and National Park
Service (NPS) are getting funds to beef up their law enforcement presence (to
combat drugs, of course) and the Forest Service is to double the number of their new drug cops, from 500 to 1000! These
drug cops have already been employed to counter protesting conservationists in
the woods (including those practicing non-violent civil disobedience), and they
can be expected to continue doing this. Anyone contemplating any variety of
monkeywrenching should be aware of this increased law enforcement presence on
the public lands. The "AntiDrug Act" also gives Forest Service law
enforcement officers authority to conduct investigations on non-government
lands, assuming that those investigations are of crimes that took place on
Federal lands. This opens the door to the possibility that Freddie cops might
conduct surveillance or investigate suspected monkeywrenchers in or around the
activists' homes or places of employment, or anywhere else for that matter.
The swift passage of anti-spiking
legislation is an indication of how effective spiking has become in deterring
timber sales. After several years of the Freddies and their friends in the
timber industry dismissing spiking as a trivial matter, we have seen in some
parts of the country a media blitz during the last couple of years portraying a
veritable epidemic of spiking. Since even before the passage of the recent law
adequate legislation (albeit not as specific) existed under which anyone
caught spiking could have been (and certainly would have been) prosecuted, one
might say that the current legislative effort to single out spiking is at least
in part propaganda to assure the media and timber industry that the government
is acting vigilantly to counter the growing wave of monkeywrenching.
This is not to trivialize the import of the new law. The Forest
Service in particular has begun to feel the pressure caused by
monkeywrenchers, and they see that if current trends continue, their
"business as usual" policy won't be tenable much longer. They no
doubt see the new law as a tool with which to turn back the clock to those
happy days of a decade ago when almost no one seriously challenged their
policies. In order to turn back that clock, they will try hard to catch
wrenchers in the act, and to impose the maximum penalty on them. Unfortunately
for the Forest Service, it is too late to go back to the days when there was no
organized dissent. Too many people realize that the Forest Service's lip
service to "public input in the forest planning process" and all
their pious words about "working within the system" are just
that-words. Some of those people are so angry after "working within the
system" for years without seeing that system budge, meanwhile watching the
plunder of the planet continue unchecked, that they are ready to break the
law, even at the risk of their lives and liberty, to try to stop that plunder.
A case in point is this: In October 1987, the State of
California passed two laws (Senate Bill 1176 and Assembly Bill 952) aimed at
deterring tree spikers, even though a law on the books since the 1870s already
made spiking a felony. The first of these laws provides graduated penalties for
anyone convicted of tree spiking. For "simple spiking" the penalty
is up to three years imprisonment. For a spiking that results in bodily injury
to someone, the penalty is up to six years in prison. For a spiking causing
"great bodily injury" to someone, the penalty is up to nine years
imprisonment. The second law makes it a misdemeanor "to possess a spike
with the intent to spike a tree." The passage of these laws was widely
reported in the California press at the time. Yet if newspaper articles are any
indication, several spikings occurred in the state during 1988, despite the new
part, the California laws were passed due to widespread publicity following the
incident earlier in 1987 at the Cloverdale, California, sawmill in which a
sawyer was seriously injured when a saw in the mill came into contact with a
log containing a metal spike. That spiking was apparently not environmentally
motivated, but no matter. Radical environmentalists were widely blamed for
causing the injury to the millworker. This underscores something repeatedly
stressed in both Ecodefense and
in the old Ned Ludd column of the Earth
First! Journal
in the 1980s, namely, that
monkeywrenching should be aimed at machines, not people, and that the purpose
of spiking is to save trees. Every
time a tree goes to a mill-spiked or not-that tree has been lost. Anyone
spiking trees has a moral obligation to notify the "proper
authorities" that a particular area contains spiked trees and that it
would be hazardous to cut those trees. This should be done with all due concern
for the monkeywrencher's security, but it should be done before those trees are scheduled to be cut.
the government does succeed in slowing down the wave of spiking (and this is
dubious, given the method's obvious effectiveness) it will succeed only because
monkeywrenchers have switched to other tactics, equally damaging to the
industrial state but perhaps not as widely anticipated as spiking. Right now,
the Forest Service is watching especially for spikers; a major arrest would
boost the morale in the corporate boardrooms of LP, MAXXAM, and their ilk. This
means that spikers should be extremely vigilant, but it also might provide the
opportunity for monkeywrenchers to strike other, more vulnerable targets as
well. Going after logging equipment, for instance, causes more immediate
financial losses to the industry than spiking. The monkeywrencher should be
aware, however, that with all those extra Freddie cops in the woods, seemingly
unguarded equipment just might be staked out. Still, there are loads of other
possibilities and some of them do not require any incriminating specialized
equipment. Systematic plugging of culverts, to cite one example, hasn't been
employed nearly as much as it deserves to be. Done on a large enough scale, it
could do millions of dollars damage to the bloated system of logging roads in
the National Forests.
We should take heart from the passage of draconian laws;
this means we are actually having some effect on the industrial state. We
should also be flexible, and able to adapt to changing circumstances. It is
almost a cliché that generals are forever fighting wars using the tactics of
the previous war. Generals can afford to do this, since it is the common
soldier, not the general, who pays the penalty. Monkeywrenchers are in the
front ranks, and can't afford to get careless. Keep on fighting, but be careful!
-Smokey Bear
* British Columbia recently established
tree spiking as a major crime. Penalties are six months and $2,000 for
spiking; three years and $10,000 fine if physical injury or property damage
occurs for spiking any tree, whether living, dead, standing, fallen, limbed,
bucked, or peeled. It is also an offense to aid, abet, or counsel another to
spike timber; to carry spikes or other potentially hazardous objects with the
intent to spike timber: six months and $2,000. (Of course, no one involved with
the publication or distribution of Ecodefense
abets, aids, or counsels anyone to spike timber.)
The Art of Silent Spiking
Just as spiking is named for the
spike-like quality of the fifty and sixtypenny nails used, so
"pinning" is named for a lowly steel pin which, buried in the tissue
of a living tree, is designed to wreak havoc with the butchering blade of the
sawmill. As levels of protective security increase to stem the swelling tide of
tree spiking, silent new methods will become necessary for those courageous
enough to infiltrate the guarded stands of condemned trees. The loud ring of
hammer on spike is replaced by the gentle hum of the cordless electric drill as
it creates a small cavity for the insertion of a steel pin.
Because the basic equipment for tree pinning is more
expensive than that required for spiking, it is wise to "shop by
phone" and get the best price possible. Drill prices, for example, can
vary as much as $50 from one store to the next.
DRILLS - Many models and types of
cordless electric drills are currently available, but the best, in terms of
torque and price, are probably those manufactured by Black & Decker. Their
basic model 9020 sells for $25 to $40. Its slow speed and limited battery
storage capacity allows for drilling only 15 to 25 holes, depending on the
toughness of the wood; but, you can buy three or four of this model for the
price you'll pay for the vastly superior model 1940 ($80 to $100). The model
1940 will drill twice as many holes as the 9020, and will do so more quickly
due to its higher Rpms. It also has a detachable power pack that allows you to
plug in a fresh set of batteries. The battery packs range in price from $25 to
$50, but you may have to check with a considerable number of retailers to find
one who stocks them on the shelf. Do not order them from the manufacturer
unless you can have them shipped to a trusted friend who lives far away. Also,
never return the warranty registration card to the manufacturer since this
creates a paper trail which could be of great assistance to Officer Dogooder
and his trusty bloodhounds.
Finally, read the instructions that come with your drill and
follow them to the letter. This is your best insurance against equipment
DRILL BITS - Use only high speed
"twist" drill bits of a type normally used to drill through metal.
The flutes and grooves in this type of bit (unlike the wood bit) force the
sawdust debris out of the hole. On the first try, a twist bit can drill a 4 to
4-1/2 inch deep hole. A second effort in the same hole (after clearing out the
sawdust) can double this depth. Usually, however, it is not necessary to drill
in more than 4 inches past the bark to accommodate a pin of up to 3 inches.
APRON - A simple cloth apron makes a handy pin holder. It
also allows you to wipe your gloves clean (of silicon-more on this later).
PINS - At a welder's supply, buy
one-quarter inch steel welding rod. It comes in thirty-six inch lengths, two
rods per pound, at $1 to $1.50 a pound. For the sake of variety on different
jobs, occasionally substitute either the threaded or zinc-coated steel rod
found in the hardware section of most lumber yards. Keep in mind, however, that zinc plating almost doubles a steel
object's detectability to a metal detector. Do not use zinc-coated rods where
this would be a problem.
Use a hacksaw to cut the steel rods into three and four inch
lengths. This allows you to fit the pin to different hole depths.
- Buy and wear simple plastic safety glasses that do not block your side
RAGS - Always
have plenty of clean rags available to keep your equipment wiped free of
CAULK - Buy a standard caulk gun and tubes of clear silicon
caulk (like GE's Silicon II). This keeps it quick, clean, and cheap. Pinning
is best accomplished by a two-person team using the following five steps:
Drill a hole at a slight downward angle in the tree. Your drill bit should be
slightly larger in diameter than your steel pins.
Use the caulk gun to squeeze clear silicon into the hole.
3) Insert the steel pin. If the hole is more than 4 inches
deep, use a 4 inch pin. If the wood in a particular spot is too tough, don't
force it. Use a 3 or even 2 inch pin in a shallower hole. Use another piece of
steel rod, from 6 to 12 inches long, to push the pin to the bottom of the hole.
Glue the pin in place with the silicon (otherwise a powerful magnet could pull
it out).
Place another dab of clear silicon at the mouth of the hole. This seals the
hole against invasion by bugs or disease.
Camouflage the opening with a chip of bark stuck onto the silicon. Targets
Because of the relative silence of this technique, it can be
used in sections of timber slated for immediate felling. You should not limit yourself
to standing trees, however. Effective monkeywrenching involves examining every
step in the processing of old-growth timber, from mountainside to mill door.
Since metal detectors are often used to locate nails, old fence wire, and other
scrap metal in logs before milling, observe this process from a safe distance
to see if you can infiltrate the work area at night and insert your pins after
the metal detection phase. If even greater silence is necessary, switch to a
brace and bit (a crank-like hand drill available at all hardware stores). This
entails more manual labor, but you don't need to pin fifty logs. Six to a dozen
will do quite well. Make sure you remove any telltale shavings or sawdust that
can reveal your activities.
T.O. Hellenbach
• Jam a branch
in a drilled hole after it is pinned. When the tree is debarked in the mill, it
will not appear as suspicious as a plastic-filled hole would, and will merely
appear to be a knot.
• Normal drill bits are too short for old-growth trees. Use
long ones.
Devise a system for keeping track of your tools in the dark-a fanny pack or a
tool belt with holsters.
• Instead
of using a drill larger than the pin, try using one the same size and then
driving the pin in. Driving the pin into a drilled hole requires much less
force and noise than hammering into undrilled wood and still eliminates the
need for caulking if you plug the hole with a wood dowel the same size as the
pin and cut it off flush.
Other Pinning Techniques
here are three short articles detailing other monkeywrenchers' refinements on
the original tree pinning technique.
least two kinds of steel pins available are two or three times more resistant
to saw blades than is welding rod. They are Drill Rod and Dowel Pins.
1) DRILL ROD. Most major steel companies sell this product
(see your Yellow Pages under Metals). It's round and comes in all the common
drill diameters (one of its uses is as drill bits). It comes in three foot
lengths and can be easily hacksawed into desired lengths. It possesses about
the same soft mechanical characteristics as spikes and rebar-UNTIL HEAT
TREATED. It then acquires the strength of the jaws of the bolt cutters that can
be used to trim the heads off spikes!
Heat treating is not difficult. The best grade of drill rod
steel to use is the water hardening variety designated grade W-1. Hardening
requires only a propane torch, a cheap pair of needle-nosed pliers, and a
container with at least 2 gallons of warm water. Cut a 7 inch length of drill
rod. Hold one end with the pliers and heat the rod by playing the torch evenly
up and down the pin. Soon it will begin to glow black-red. Continue heating
until the pin glows cherryred. Then drop (quench) it in the container of warm
water. DON'T OVERHEAT THE PIN. After cherry-red, overheating begets red-orange,
orange, orange-white, and white hot. Stop at cherry-red. You get but one
chance and if you blow it, you can't go back and start again because the metal
goes through an irreversible phase change. If in doubt, check the finished pin
with a file. Properly heated pins will be harder than good files.
When the pin has cooled, remove it from the water and wipe
it dry. Be careful not to drop it. It is harder than Japanese trigonometry but
as fragile as an icicle. It lacks toughness. Toughness is achieved through a
process called tempering. Place the pin in your kitchen oven and bake (temper)
for an hour at 525°F immediately after quenching. More than one pin can be
tempered at a time.
you have a super pin.
simpler alternative is:
2) DOWEL PINS. These are used for aligning hunks of
machinery, like the two halves of a Volkswagen engine. Dowel pins are sold in
the common fractional diameters (see your Yellow Pages under Fasteners).
Maximum_ lengths vary with the diameter. For example, 3/16 inch pins run to 2
inches long, 1 /4 inch to 2 1/2 inches, and 5/16 to 3 inches long.
These pins have been heat treated so that their interiors are
very hard and their outer surfaces are super hard. For a given diameter, the
shear strength of dowel pins is over three times that of rebar or welding rod.
Soft, stainless steel dowel pins
are sold as well as a heat treated variety of stainless. Skip the stainless
products. Insist on common alloy steel dowels. They're the strongest and the
least expensive.
Because drill rod and dowels are
much stronger than other steel pins, they are effective tree spikes in smaller
diameters. Therefore drilling holes for them requires less effort. Hand
drilling holes for these pins can be done with an old-fashioned bit and brace.
Twelve and eighteen inch long drill bits are available and
"lean-against" braces make drilling easier. AND DRILLING BY HAND IS
Placing pins deep in the tree by
drilling farther into it is best. More expensive metal detectors are required
to find deeply implanted pins, and the deeper the pin, the more difficult it is
to remove it.
When using high strength pins instead
of rebar or spikes, it's the cross-sectional area that matters, not the
diameter. Pins 3/16 inch in diameter are sufficient.
-Henry Bessemer
The government had the foresight
to train me in demolitions and sabotage and it still dominates my thinking.
After studying the tree problem we have come up with what we think is a sure
fire way to neutralize the cutters. This method is an improvement over the
already good tree spiking procedure in earlier editions of Ecodefense.
Wholesale tool companies (check the Yellow Pages for a major
city) sell cordless electric drills' with removable nicad battery
pacs. These are the heavy industrial models made by Mankita and the like, not
the cheap little things sold in Wal-Mart. Replacement battery pacs and chargers
are available, and this is important. Tool companies also sell "aircraft
extension bits," which are very long drill bits, in lengths up to 18
Get some lengths of oil
hardening tool steel rod (drill rod)
of at least 1 /4 inch diameter. This is soft annealed steel that is usually worked into shape then made hard
by heat treating. Cut the rod up into three to six inch pieces with a metal
cutting band saw (or have it done in a machine shop). Have the short lengths of
rod heat treated by a company that does that and tell them to draw the rod
lengths back to Rockwell 49-50. This gives them a spring temper which is hard yet flexible.
Drill holes in trees, higher than eye level, with an extension bit 1/32 or 1/16 inch larger in diameter than the steel rod and slanting slightly downwards. The rods can then be inserted into the hole with adhesive and the hole filled with wood putty or ideally a plug of the same wood of which the tree is composed. A piece of bark glued over the hole will totally obscure the defect. The spare recharged battery pacs will allow an operator to drill quite a few holes, and probably work all night. The drills are fairly quiet, but I recommend silencing them with foam covers.
best plan would be to inoculate as many trees as possible in a random pattern
in any one section, concentrating on the areas of current cutting so they will
run into a densely pinned area fairly quickly. Just in case sophisticated metal
detectors can pick up the metal pins, load ceramic rods in a few holes or even
tungsten carbide rods which are expensive but non-magnetic.
After giving the stand its shots,
inform the processor's insurance company of what was done and why. If no
insurance company will cover them, they won't cut.
If you can afford it, carbide rod is
best because it is non-magnetic and absolutely no saw will get through it.
Remember to buy carbide rod to length, since you can't cut it without a special
diamond wheel (you might check with a lapidary supply house for this kind of
diamond wheel).
course, observe all security precautions when ordering material-especially by
-Allen Dulles
The increment borer is a tool that almost every forester carries
and uses on occasion. It is used to bore into the trunk of a tree in order to
extract a core. (The core can tell a forester such things as the age and health
of the tree.) The tools, made from Swedish steel, are anywhere from 4" to
30" long and come in three bore sizes (4, 5, and 12 mm). The 16 inch
length retails for about $100 in the Ben Meadows Catalogue. Other forestry
supply outfits also sell them. (Try Forestry Suppliers, Inc., POB 8397,
Jackson, MS 39204-0397.)
Unlike spike and hammer, the increment borer is quiet, and
bores a 1/4" to 5/16" hole which will take 6" of 1/4" round
file. A round, or rat-tail file, makes an excellent pin-one far more resistant
to a saw than a spike. Part of the core can be returned to cover the hole. The
hole seals itself with pitch in a short time.
The borer and file, unlike a hammer and spikes, would be
expected in the forest or on a timber sale area, especially if you are wearing
an old Filson cruiser's jacket and carrying a cruiser's ax.
Proper use of an increment borer takes a little practice.
While it can be rotated, it must never be bent, or it will splinter. Further,
it is best to remove it immediately after the core has been extracted.
Otherwise, the tree seems to set up on it after a while, making extraction
difficult. If, in boring a tree, you inadvertently run into rot in the butt,
it may be necessary to pull back with all your weight, while rotating the
instrument in order to re-engage the threads in sound wood.
Of course, in case questioned, it
pays to bone up on some forestry terms: mean annual increment, rings per inch,
low site, high site, standard deviation, etc.
$100 is a lot of money for an individual to spend, but the reduction in court
costs might make it worthwhile.
-Vecchio Silva
* Borer tools can be ordered from International
Reforestation, Eugene, OR. 1-800-321-1037. 8" borers are $83.00 (plus
postage); 10" borers are $97.50; 12" borers are $105. (Be extremely
security-conscious when ordering by mail!)
couple of things should be remembered when using borers: 1) To avoid getting it
stuck in the tree, never leave the tool in the tree longer than absolutely
necessary; 2) When removing the core, never force the spoon in or out if the
core appears to be stuck. If you do, you may tweak the spoon out of shape,
ruining it. Instead, repeat the release procedure. If the spoon won't come out
with the borer in the tree, back the borer all the way out before removing the
Tree spiking has forced the development of a number of
countermeasures, the most significant being the use of metal detectors to
locate metallic spikes embedded in tree trunks. Many sawmills routinely screen
all fallen logs at the mill to remove commonplace metallic objects like nails
and old barbed wire. There is an increasing likelihood that conventional metal
spikes will be detected before reaching their intended target-the costly
sawmill blade. Editor's
note: This does not mean that metallic spikes are no longer useful-the reaction
to their use thus far indicates that they are having an impact. But
non-metallic spikes have obvious advantages.
research has produced several non-metallic spikes, or pins, that promise to defeat
the metal detector and wreak havoc inside the sawmill. The first of these is a
high-fired ceramic pin made of the same type of stoneware used by potters who
hand-throw (on a potter's wheel) cups, bowls, plates, etc. The primary
ingredient is stoneware clay, produced in a wide range of formulations by clay
companies and ceramic supply outfits. Most such manufacturers and suppliers are
located in large metropolitan areas where monkeywrenchers can purchase their
clay over the counter for cash-leaving no paper trail, like name and address,
for the police investigator. The clay usually comes in twenty-five pound bags,
two such bags making up a fifty-pound box. Be sure that the clay type (known as
the "clay body") that you purchase contains no iron oxide, an
ingredient commonly added to stoneware clays. If sufficiently concentrated,
this iron oxide may be picked up by metal detectors. To find a suitable clay,
make your first inquiry by phone, obtaining the name or number of a stoneware
clay that contains no iron oxide. At a later date, send the most
inconspicuous-looking member of your spiking team in to purchase a bag or box.
If necessary, she can be "picking it up for a friend," or can be a
college art student purchasing materials for a project.
bodies can be stiffened and made even more durable by the addition of
"grog," a gritty, sand-like material usually made of a high-fired
refractory material (ground stoneware) or simply a pure quartz sand. Purchase
this from a clay supplier, and specify an 80 or coarser screening. Do not buy
fine powder grog, or "soft" grog made of weaker lower-fired
materials. The grog is blended into the clay body through a process called
"wedging": kneading the material in by hand until it is thoroughly
and evenly distributed throughout the clay. Since clay
formulas vary from one type to another and from one company to the next, we
cannot specify the amount of grog to add to your clay. Just add a little at a
time until the clay feels a little coarser and stiffer. If you add too much,
the clay will be hard to roll out and will not stick together well. The clay
must remain "plastic" to allow you to readily shape it.
When handling the clay directly, always wear plastic gloves.
The best types are the disposable examination gloves used by doctors and
available at medical supply houses. More expensive, but more readily
available, are the plastic gloves sold at all grocery stores in the kitchenware
section. These types are more durable and will survive repeated use. Whichever
type you use, obtain gloves with a skin-tight fit.
The pins are made simply by rolling the clay out to the
desired thickness, and cutting it to the appropriate length. As with the
metallic pins described above, you will have to use a drill to make a hole in the
tree for inserting the pin. Choose your drill (cordless battery-type or old
fashioned brace and bit) and find the largest bit you can readily use, up to
one inch in diameter. Experiment on a recently fallen tree to insure that your
drill and bit combination allows you to drill a hole up to four or five inches
deep. The thicker your ceramic pin is, the more likely it is to either dull or
break a sawmill blade. Therefore, if you can drill one-inch diameter holes,
roll out the clay to a one-inch thickness. It will shrink some in drying and
firing and will fit easily in a one-inch hole. As to pin length, four inches is
plenty long; cut some shorter lengths, too, like two and three inches. This
way, if your drill encounters a hard spot like a knot in the wood preventing
you from drilling to the desired depth, you can use a shorter pin in the
shallow hole.
Once your pins are rolled and
cut, set them aside for a couple of weeks to thoroughly dry. They must be
completely dry or they will break apart in firing. Also, make sure the clay is
well-compressed during the rolling-out, as even tiny air pockets left inside
the clay will blow up during firing.
Finally, your ceramic pins will
be ready for the final stage in preparation-the firing. High temperature firing
brings about chemical changes in the clay, causing the particles to bond
together through vitrification. The end product is a material so hard it will
easily scratch glass. In hardness, it ranks with some types of steel, although
it will shatter under a heavy blow (making it unsuitable for spiking with
hammers). Still, it is high enough on Mohs' scale of hardness to cause damage
to sawmill blades.
firing can be achieved only in a gas-fired kiln. The pins must be fired to
"cone 10," which generally ranges from 2350 to 2400 degrees
Fahrenheit. Firing to lower temperatures will not produce the same hardness.
Following are some of the sources for gas firing:
SCHOOLS - Various college classes, adult education courses,
and private instructors maintain gas kilns for student use.
DO-IT-YOURSELF - This entails
purchasing a gas kiln and making the necessary hookups to a source of bottled
LP gas. This all costs several hundred dollars. Take a college course or
private course through a competent potter to learn the principles and mechanics
of gas firing before undertaking this step yourself.
PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS - Across the nation, there are thousands
of professional potters selling their hand-thrown wares through art and craft
shows attended by the public. Some of them will be amenable to letting you pay
for custom firing in their kilns. This allows you to have the job done
professionally. As a way of developing this contact, you might buy several
pieces from them at a show, and ask if you can come to their studio later to
buy more of their wares. If you appear to be a good customer, the potter might
agree to fire a few dozen pins for you. To make sure your contact is a
competent professional, check out their product line. They should carry a wide
range of practical goods (cups, bowls, planters, etc.) and should stock large
numbers of items. Avoid those who don't seem to have much to choose from. Check
the quality of their firing by breaking one of the inexpensive items you bought
from them. The broken edge, revealing the inside of the fired clay, should be a
medium to dark brown. If it appears very dark, almost blackish, the work is
poorly fired (over-vitrification) and is too brittle. Do not let such a potter
do your firing. Make sure you check the broken edge, as an external examination
will not reveal this type of sloppy firing. Of course, make sure their goods
are stoneware fired to a cone 10.
Security is of primary consideration when firing in someone
else's kiln, or when having a custom firing done. Do not use your real name.
Never reveal the intended use of the ceramic pins unless the person handling
the firing is a member of your spiking team. Do not attempt to recruit for your
spiking team the person doing your firing unless it is a trusted friend of many
years' acquaintance, or a trusted relative. If possible have a trusted
confidant handle the manufacture and firing of the pins at a location far from
the forest where they will be used.
Have ready an air-tight reason for your intended use of the
pins. Make up a convincing story, perhaps about how you plan to assemble them
into an abstract sculpture. Use your imagination. The possibilities are
As a further means of obscuring their intended use, fire the
pins in twelve inch lengths. These can later be cut-down to suitable lengths
using a diamond wire hand saw available for $15 to $25 through a jeweler or
lapidary supply house (found in most large cities).
It's a good idea to have a member of
your team take a course in pottery to become familiar with the materials,
techniques, and terminology. This can help in manufacturing a convincing cover
story for the firing of your peculiar pins.
Competent private instructors, although
not as widely available, can be a good source of schooling and kiln access.
Inserting Ceramic Tree Spikes
A hand-powered brace and bit type of
drill is both inexpensive and very effective for drilling large diameter holes
in trees. It is also laborious and time-consuming, so you should plan to work
on only six to a dozen trees per hit. Small numbers are sufficient if using
non-metallic pins since the Freddies will be unable to find them; and if the
lumber company cuts anyway, the pins will make it to the sawmill to attack the
When a team is working in an area
currently being logged, it is necessary to take security precautions that might
not be necessary when working in a remote roadless area. Night work may be
essential, and this creates additional problems. Absolutely critical is the
ability to conceal all signs of your work. To gain this ability, you must practice during daylight hours in a safe and secluded
location. Only by polishing your technique beforehand can you be sure you will
leave no evidence at the scene. When chips of bark are glued back into place,
there must be no telltale seams, cracks, or excess glue. All wood shavings must
be carefully swept onto a towel and carried away a short distance for shallow
burial. A dark terry cloth towel is recommended since the shavings will stick
well to the rough surface.
When working at night, use a flashlight to carefully
double-check your work when finished. The best flashlight is the current-issue
GI flashlight available at most army surplus stores. It is made of green
high-impact plastic, has an angled head (the light shines at a right angle to
the body), and takes two "D" cell batteries. Unscrew the base cap and
inside you'll find a red plastic lens that fits under the "0" ring screwed onto the standard lens. This red light is sufficient
for close work and will not ruin your night vision. If you insist on using a
penlight type of flashlight, close one eye to protect at least half of your
night vision. As with all tools, make sure all surfaces inside and out
(including batteries) are wiped clean of fingerprints.
Your brace should be lightly oiled to insure silence, and
you should carry a spare bit so that you can always work with a sharp bit.
Since you have to lean into the brace to get maximum effectiveness, this tool
is particularly effective on felled trees that have been limbed and bucked (cut
into shorter lengths). These can be found either scattered about the logging
site, or near skid trails or "landings" where they are piled for
loading onto trucks.
working in an area currently being logged, remain concealed by working low to
the ground, hidden by shadows, or in areas where the terrain prevents viewing
from any distance. Take these precautions when working in the dark. As in any spiking operation, it is essential to have an alert lookout
well posted to guard the approaches. Working low will protect you from Forest
Service enforcers using night vision devices. The lookout and pinner(s) need a
signaling system of bird calls or short range radios. Always use a nondescript
code on the radio.
takes a brave monkeywrencher to work a logging site in the night, but remember
that you have the choice of time and place. This advantage, when coupled with
basic security precautions, will guarantee your success.
T. O. Hellenbach
• A
simple way to test ceramic pins for metallic content is to run a magnet over
them. If you detect any significant magnetic attraction, the pins probably
contain ferrous metals, and maybe susceptible to metal detectors.
• Instead of
going to all the hassle of making your own ceramic pins or cutting rock
slivers, just buy the ceramic rods that are used in knife sharpeners "crock
sticks." They're uniform in diameter and come in useful lengths. They can
be broken into shorter lengths if you want. They can sometimes be purchased at
flea markets for less than a buck. The uniform diameter allows a closer fit,
which means you can drill a smaller hole faster and easier. Crock sticks are
iron-free as well.
• In green timber, white glue may not dry sufficiently
quickly. In that case, try epoxy for plugging holes after inserting pins.
• Ceramic
insulators are made out of an extremely hard ceramic and are suitable for
non-metallic tree spikes. Although they are being replaced by plastic
insulators, they can often be found in old junk piles or in basements or
storage sheds-some can still be seen in National Forests where ancient
telephone lines led to fire lookouts (before radios). They also may still be
available at large electrical supply stores. Use the standard placement and
security methods for non-metallic spikes. Industrial ceramics are used for a
wide variety of purposes, and with a little imaginative sleuthing,
monkeywrenchers can probably find other readily-available forms suitable for
Hard Rock vs. Heavy Metal: Quartz
Tree Pins
Certain types of rock could well be the ideal type of
anti-sawblade "pin" for planting in condemned trees. As with other
types of monkeywrenching, proper materials and technique are essential.
Begin by obtaining copies of lapidary. magazines at a
quality newsstand. Among these are Gems and
Minerals and Lapidary Journal. Scan the ads for
lapidary supply houses and supplies in large cities. For security reasons, select
a business in a distant city. Make your equipment purchases in cash. Never
leave your name or address.
In the magazine ads, look for either manufacturers or retailers of lapidary saws, particularly a type called a "trim" saw, used to cut small stones into precise sizes and shapes. This power tool handles a circular sawblade made of high grade steel core with a cutting edge impregnated with chips of industrial or human-made diamond. The smallest size, a six-inch blade, should be more than adequate. These circular sawblades are far better than band or wire saws for our purposes, as they will handle greater pressures. Make sure your trim saw has a vise for holding the stone during cutting. You will also want to purchase the recommended coolant, as it is essential that the sawblade's bottom edge be immersed in this oil-based protective material. An extra blade or two can save you a return trip should you damage your first one while learning proper cutting technique. Trim saws vary in price from about $160 to $350, with good quality models averaging around $300. Diamond blades range in price from $20 to $45. The more costly types are thin blades for fine cutting with a minimum of material loss (important only for work with precious and semiprecious stones), so the lower priced general-purpose blades are what you want. Dulled or damaged blades can be repaired and re-surfaced by manufacturers, but don't leave a name and address for investigators to trace to you.
Information on proper use of the trim
saw can be found at a large public library in lapidary and jewelry-making
books. Read and/or photocopy the information at the library. If you check out a book, you will leave a paper trail betraying
your interest in this subject.
are some important rules for correct operation of a trim saw:
I) Always put safety first. Wear safety glasses. Be patient
while learning to use the saw.
2) Don't use long extension cords to power the saw as this
will cause a loss of power through voltage drop.
3) Maintain proper coolant levels. Otherwise you will quickly
destroy an expensive blade.
4) Make sure the surface of the rock you are cutting is at
right angles to the blade. Cutting into an angled surface can create side
pressures that bring about a wobble and rapidly wear out the blade.
Slow down at the end of every cut to keep the rock from breaking and leaving a
jagged spur protruding from the cut surface.
Stones can be cut into any elongated shape that will fit into the holes drilled into trees, generally not exceeding one inch in diameter. After cutting, clean the stone "pins" in warm water and dish soap. When finished, store them in a container to prevent accidental handling with bare hands (fingerprints!).
The large majority of rock types are not suitable for
modification into "pins" simply because they are not hard enough to
damage a sawmill blade. Quartz and related minerals are perhaps best. On the
Mohs' hardness scale (from one to ten), quartz rates a seven, making it harder
than steel which ranks from 5.5 to 6.5 Furthermore, virtually anyone with
outdoor experience will recognize quartz in the field. Quartz is found
throughout most of the US.
Quartz comes in a variety of colors,
from clear or milky white, to rose or reddish, yellowish, and even blue gray
in some gold-bearing regions. A good field test for rocks you think are quartz
can be carried out with a small piece of glass. If the rock is quartz, it will
scratch the glass. If it will not scratch glass, it is simply a quartz
look-alike. Start with small quartz rocks until you know what your trim saw can
handle. Proper use of the saw will permit a single diamond blade to cut
thousands of square inches of quartz.
If the cost of procuring a trim saw is
prohibitive, one can scour the area of quartz deposits for fragments or
river-worn pieces small enough to insert into a one-inch hole. On the negative
side, they may be difficult to load into the drilled hole and less likely to
come into contact with a sawblade.
Smaller quartz gravel can be combined with cement to make a
round pin of some value. First, roll-up heavy paper and glue it into tubes
one-inch in diameter or a little less. Mix three parts gravel with one part
cement and one and one-half parts sand. Add water, a little at a time, until
the mix is wet but still very stiff. Next, load it into the tube a little at a
time and use a dowel to tamp it into place, eliminating air bubbles. Wearing
plastic gloves will protect your hands from the lime in the cement. Set your
pins in a cool but moist place to cure. Ideal conditions are 70 degrees
Fahrenheit and 80 percent relative humidity. Allow them to cure from three to
six months for maximum strength. Finally, peel off the paper tube exterior and
paint the pins with a coat of exterior latex paint to protect the concrete from
deterioration. Make sure the concrete is never exposed to freezing temperatures
while curing. Use pieces of quartz gravel as large as is feasible.
Still another low cost pin involves using large quartz
gravel or cobbles in a matrix of a good quality resin epoxy available at
hardware stores and lumber yards. Form it into pins in the same way you would
with the concrete method. This can allow you to use larger quartz rock
fragments with a better chance of impacting a blade. The paper can be soaked in
water and gently scrubbed off once the epoxy has set-up properly.
Rock and concrete pins require the drilling of
large-diameter holes in trees which are best done with a brace-and-bit. Use the
techniques described earlier for drilling and disguising the presence of the
pins. As with ceramic pins, setting rock and concrete pins is time consuming
and you should not expect to set a great many in one working session. However,
properly placed and disguised, such non-detectable pins should be a highly effective
deterrent. Note: As always, avoid placing the pins in the lower three feet of
the tree, where they can cause chain saw kickback, with the possibility of
injury to the feller. After all, we're in it to save trees, not hurt people.
T. O. Hellenbach
* You may be able to find granite
cores from old mining operations in rock shops. These circular cores from
drilling are ideal non-metallic spikes. They can also be found anywhere test
drilling is done, particularly around mines, bridges, dams, and energy plants.
Since this drilling is done in order to analyze the underlying rock strata,
the core samples are often kept for reference. But since more drilling than
necessary is usually done, there's bound to be waste material lying around.
• Any
good geologist can fairly accurately pinpoint where rocks of particular types
come from, so it might be a good idea not to collect rocks from your property
or even nearby.
• An effective
mold for cement and rock spikes would be the pasteboard tubes inside rolls of
toilet paper or paper towels. Another would be a section of PVC pipe. After
drying, remove the pasteboard tube or pipe.
• An indication
that lumber barons are taking non-metallic spikes seriously comes from the
Missoula Technology and Development Center News in June, 1990. It reported that
a fluoroscope had been tested on logs for detecting ceramics and rocks
embedded in them.
• If you find
the suggested methods of pinning with ceramic or rock too much work, try a less
sophisticated method. Simply drill a hole, stuff it with gravel or cobbles,
fill it with caulking, and plug with a wooden dowel. It is much quicker,
simpler, and cheaper. While this may not completely ruin a sawblade, it sure as
heck won't do it any good!
• Drive small
rocks into the crevices of the bark. Tree-cutters hate hitting rocks imbedded
in trees even more than nails, as rocks do more damage to saws; and rocks
cannot be detected by metal detectors.
BITS. Since 1" and 2" diameter holes required for some non-metallic
tree "spikes" are generally out of the range possible with cordless
electric drills, an old-fashioned hand brace is required. Several types of
large diameter bits are available. Long (12" and upwards) ship auger bits
are good, though difficult to locate and quite expensive. Extra-wide auger bits
are available at some well-stocked hardware stores and can be used with an
extender for deep holes. Unfortunately, these extenders are hard to find for
standard tapered-shank bits. Several models of "micro-dial" bits are
available for holes up to 3" wide. These cost around $15 and allow the
hole width to be adjusted to match the diameters of the pins used. If you can
find a tapered-shank bit extender, use it with the standard-length (about
8") auger bits. If you can't find a tapered-shank auger bit, find a
micro-dial bit with a square shank for a power drill. This may have to be
special ordered; Irwin Tool Co. does
make them. With this bit, you can
use readily available power-drill bit extenders ($3 each, lengths up to
18"). The power-drill bit extenders do require a special set of jaws in
the hand brace, but most newer models accommodate both square and tapered
shanks anyway.
Avoid the temptation to use too long an extender. A total
length of 18" (bit plus extender) is maximum; any more length will make
your set-up too unwieldy. As always, stick to only the best tools and check
second-hand stores first. With a little searching and luck, a set-up as
described above can be had for as little as $15! And second-hand shops are the
best low cost sources for hard-to-get items like tapered-shank extenders and
extra-wide auger bits.
drilling holes in trees with a bit-and-brace is hard work. You will need to be
in shape.
Maximum effectiveness of "super pins" might be
achieved by sending a warning letter and a pin sample (so they will believe
you!) after the spiking. This in itself may be enough to deter logging in the
spiked area; if not, at least the mills will know precisely what is behind the
destruction of their expensive blades and won't make the same mistake again.
Phantom Driller
The Monkeywrencher's Dream?
Remember that scene from the film The Graduate, in which the corporate executive tells Dustin Hoffman where
the future lies? "I have just one word for you. Plastics." Well, that
may also be the word for those seeking new ways to deter the timber industry
and their lackeys in the Forest Service.
An article in the October 1987 issue of The Barker, a woodworkers' journal published in Vancouver, BC, describes
the serious problem of contamination of pulpwood by small particles of plastic
that find their way into the wood chips destined for paper-making. We have been
hearing rumors for years that there is an insidious method for sabotaging the
pulp-making process. Finally we have some facts.
It seems that most plastic gets into wood chips
inadvertently, through worker carelessness. Items such as plastic bags and
wrappers, nylon rope, cups, eating utensils, plastic bottles, pens, and even
hard hats have fallen onto conveyors and into vats. In the course of
manufacturing, the larger pieces of wood are screened out for
"redigestion," which means that these plastic items keep getting
recycled until they are small enough to pass through screens and enter the
These particles of plastic are insidious because they do
their damage after the final product-the paper-has left the mill. Plastic
specks in the paper cause problems primarily because the plastic melts when
heated. Plastic has clogged paper-coating machines, leaving lines on expensive,
coated paper. Paper-makers have also found "windows" in paper, caused
where plastic has melted and stuck to rollers during manufacturing. Plastic
particles in computer paper have melted and gummed up computer equipment. The
problems caused by plastic particles in paper are so serious that whole batches
of paper have been rejected by the purchaser when contamination has been discovered.
In some cases, paper-makers have paid for damages to purchasers of paper who
did not find plastic particles until it was too late to prevent damage to
products or equipment.
How much plastic does it take to cause problems? I quote
from the article: It takes only
ten pinhead size specks per bale of pulp to ruin the whole shipment and one
foot of polypropylene rope will produce approximately one million specks. The
particles ... are almost impossible to remove from the pulping process.
This information has applications
for monkeywrenchers. As more and more old growth falls to the chain saw,
increasing numbers of trees cut on National Forests, and elsewhere, will be small trees destined for
wood chips. Of course, unless someone actually works in a mill, or has access
to the trucks that haul the chips to a pulp mill (these distinctive-looking
trucks are a common sight in some woodland areas), it probably won't be easy to
contaminate the wood after it has been reduced to chips. But this leaves the
charming possibility of "contaminating" the trees before they are
cut and reduced to chips "contaminating" them in such a way that
they will be undesirable as pulp, or at least undesirable for high-grade paper
pulp (some pulp is also made into cardboard boxes, particle board, and the
like, and plastic particles may not ruin these products). We don't know of
anyone yet who has field experience using "plastic spikes," but it
seems that it should be fairly simple.
Since polypropylene rope was singled out for notice in the
article, perhaps this is as good a plastic "contaminant" as any.
Polypropylene rope would also have the advantage of disintegrating rather
rapidly-anyone who has used it must know how easily the ends fray.
Holes could be drilled (using a bit and brace) in trees in
an area destined for pulpwood cutting. Since small trees are usually destined
for pulp-generally trees less than 8" in diameter-the holes won't have to
be as deep as those for traditional spiking. Two or three inches beyond the bark
might be sufficient. The hole needs to be slightly larger than your rope
diameter. Take a small segment of polypropylene rope and tamp it all the way
into the hole. Then fill the remainder of the hole with a caulking material,
and camouflage as in any spiking operation. As in any spiking, if the trees can
be "inoculated" a few years before they're scheduled to be cut, all
the better, since nature will have time to cover up the work before it's time
to notify the Freddies (or whomever) that the trees have been subjected to
preventive medicine.
Activists in British Columbia are also using Styrofoam cups,
foam ear plugs, and similar materials to "soft spike" trees slated
for pulping. An advantage in this kind of "spiking," is that no one
will whine about the danger presented to millworkers of flying shrapnel from
Styrofoam cups or bits of rope.
-Harry Orchard
Some monkeywrenchers have tried saving trees from being cut
by marking them with paint as "leave trees." This is accomplished by
marking a tree with Forest Service orange at four and a half feet and at ground
level on two sides. There are now traceable isotopes added to FS leave tree
paint, so look-alike orange paint may not be as effective as it once was. If
you find a friendly in the FS willing to part with some FS orange, remember
that in applying it you will probably get some of it (and the tracer) in your
hair, clothes, etc. and this could be evidence against you.
Often a tree will be
unmarked by covering the "cut blue" paint with any dark spray paint.
This could be an easier way to save a tree marked for cutting. Tracer paint
isn't needed for this.
pull up survey stakes!" This was Ed Abbey's advice to all outdoor visitors.
It seems a great many people are following his advice. Wherever the machine has
been spreading its destruction, be it in the city suburbs or in the remote
backcountry, a near-epidemic of stake-pulling has the land rapers-be they
Freddie bureaucrats or corporate developers-on the defensive. Interestingly,
it is not just wild-eyed eco-radicals who are pulling stakes. Redneck hunters
of the old school, the sort who pack in to get their Elk and who well know what
impact development would have on their favorite hunting grounds these folks
are doing it, too. We've even heard of miners pulling up stakes from Freddie
logging roads in Idaho-although we doubt they were motivated by lofty
ideals-they just wanted to be left to their destructive activities in peace,
undisturbed by rival rapists.
a great deal of stake-pulling is haphazard. In fact, most stake-pulling is
probably unplanned and done on impulse by someone just out for a hike. This is
unfortunate on two counts. First, to pull a few survey stakes here and there,
while leaving the bulk of them untouched, won't slow the developers much. The
surveyors will come to work, notice the damage done, curse a bit, and replace
the missing stakes with a day or two of extra work. Little has been done to
halt the machine, beyond making a simple gesture of defiance (not that there
aren't times when a gesture of defiance is better than nothing). Second,
casual, spur of the moment stake-pulling is unfortunate because it exposes the
monkeywrencher to possible arrest. And pulling up survey stakes is
a crime. It is considered destruction of property, and someone taken in the
act of removing survey stakes could be charged with a felony. At the very
least, she will be charged with a misdemeanor. Howie Wolke in Wyoming received
six months in the county jail and a $750 fine combined with $2500 of restitution to Chevron for pulling survey stakes on a
proposed oil & gas exploration road in a roadless area-this was after he
had plea-bargained a guilty plea to a misdemeanor in exchange for dropping
felony charges which could have sent him to the state penitentiary for several
Yet stake-pulling, well-planned and systematically done, can
be one of the most effective means of monkeywrenching. It requires no esoteric
technical know-how and no specialized tools. It can be done with one
monkeywrencher and one alert lookout. Moreover, the stake puller need not carry
the onus that the tree and road spiker or bulldozer burner carries. And
stake-pulling can be effective-very
effective. While it is certainly possible to trash the wilderness without the
benefit of scientific surveying-the crude roads bulldozed by half assed
small-time miners are the classic example-accurate surveying is essential for
even the most mildly sophisticated construction projects. Logging haul roads,
for instance, require precise gradients and curves-the faster the trucks can
get the logs out, the greater the profit margin for the operators. Even more
precise surveying is needed for the construction of buildings (corner locations
and elevations are critical), the layout of water and sewer lines, and the
like. If the surveyor's work is obliterated before such a project is completed,
their work must be redone before the project can proceed. A day of systematic
monkeywrenching can result-and in numerous known cases has resulted-in many weeks of extra work for the survey crews. In those parts of the
country where winter stops construction activities, a day or two of well planned
stake removal could easily postpone a project until the next year ... and the
next year. Done often enough and well enough, the trashing of the work of the
surveyors can increase the costs of environmentally destructive projects to the
point that the projects are canceled. After all, profits are the name of the
game in the land rape business.
As we have said, surveying may precede a wide variety of
development projects, whether it is a shopping mall gobbling up open space on
the edge of a city, a new ski resort replacing Grizzly Bear habitat in a
mountain meadow, or a new road gutting the heart of a previously roadless area
for the loggers and the big oil corporations. The first tangible signs of all
of these projects will most likely be the surveyors in their bright orange
vests, leaving behind them a trail of confusing wooden stakes and multicolored
The most ubiquitous form of development, at least in
previously unviolated areas, is the road. Roads are of necessity a precursor of
any large-scale development in the wilderness, whether it is for logging,
mining, oil and gas exploration, or simply modern "industrial"
Roads range from paved, high-speed
highways which may involve measurements down to the hundredths of a foot,
through unpaved but still relatively sophisticated "all-weather"
roads (the major trunk roads on the National Forests are of this variety) down
to fairly crude logging "feeder" roads, which are measured, during
the surveying phase, merely to the nearest foot. What all these roads have in
common is that they require surveying.
For the sake of explanation, we
will discuss the surveying of a typical low-grade logging road of the sort
constructed on the public lands. Thousands
of these roads are built each
year, generally at taxpayers' expense, to the benefit of a few big logging
companies and to the detriment of the forest. The basic principles used in this
example would apply, with only minor differences, to the surveying of any
Our hypothetical road will be built into the "Last Stand Grove" on the Timber Sale National Forest. In the beginning, timber cruisers indicated the presence of "commercial" timber in the Last Stand Grove area. This may have originally happened many years ago, when even the Freddies didn't think that the trees in Last Stand Grove were economically feasible to cut. But the bureaucracy has a long memory, and finally the day arrives when only remote and marginal stands of trees remain uncut. So the "timber beasts" schedule a sale in Last Stand Grove-no matter that only five million board feet of timber will be sold in return for the construction of ten or twelve miles of new road-since their job is to meet the Forest's annual projected "cut," they don't worry about economics.
Since each National Forest maintains a
"Five-Year Timber Plan," updated annually, the Last Stand Grove
Timber Sale is planned five years ahead of the projected date. Sometimes due to
fluctuations in the timber industry, the projected date may not be met, but as
a rule about a year or two prior to the scheduled date of the sale, depending
on available personnel and other work priorities, the actual surveying of the
road network into the sale area begins. In the meantime, timber marking crews
have probably already been sent into the sale area to mark trees for cutting
(although sometimes this is not done until after the survey crews have begun
laying out the roads).
Just as the timber cruising,
"stand exams," and marking are done by the Timber Branch of the
Forest Service, the design and surveying of the road network fall under the
jurisdiction of the Engineering Branch. The engineers study topographical maps
and get a rough idea of the most feasible route for a road into the Last Stand
Grove. The next step is to send a couple of people out into the woods to see if
this route is practical. This crew flags the route as they go, by tying
brightly-colored ribbon to the trees, while trying to keep within a certain
grade. Sometimes the route roughly charted on the maps proves infeasible in the
field due to the topography, and the engineers are forced to take a different
approach. But generally they find a workable route. Their biggest difficulty is
usually keeping within the required grade. Although short stretches of logging
road may exceed 8 or 9 percent, engineers try to keep below 6 percent on most
stretches. The steeper the road, the slower the haul traffic.
you happen across a line of flagging in the woods, you may have encountered a
road in the earliest stages of survey. Should you remove the flagging, you have
probably cost the developers a couple of days' work at the most. It would be
better to wait until the surveying has progressed further, when monkeywrenching
would have a greater effect. Incidentally, "flagging" is what surveyors
call the brightly colored plastic tape that they use to mark their work and
make it easy to locate. Red and orange are the colors most favored by
surveyors, although they may use others. Exploiters besides surveyors may use
flagging; timber crews frequently use it to mark sale boundaries, although they
usually favor blue, yellow, or striped flagging.
After the engineers have roughly
flagged the route of the road, a more proper survey is done. This employs a crew
of three to five people. On large road projects, several crews may work
simultaneously on different sections of the road. Sometimes the crews live in
temporary housing (usually trailers, rarely tent camps) near the work area, but
not usually. Often survey crews spend nearly as much time driving over forest
roads as they do working in the woods.
The road survey crew performs a two-fold function. The
survey crew precisely marks the location of the road on the ground, a route
that will later be followed by the construction workers when the road is
actually built. At the same time, the crew gathers and records data which will
later be used in the actual design of the road. This data will enable the
designers to estimate such things as the needed amounts of cut and fill,
blasting, culverts or bridges, and the like. This information will be used to
estimate construction costs. Nowadays, actual road design is generally done by
computer, after all the pertinent data has been collected and processed.
The survey crew follows the line of preliminary flagging,
laying out the route. Distances are measured from the beginning of the road,
and are measured from point to point along the "centerline" of the
route. Each point on the centerline called a "station" is numbered.
Each station is marked, usually with a stake (and sometimes also in other ways,
which will be described later). On low-grade logging roads, where precision is
not essential, measurements are usually done by "chaining": measuring
with an engineer's tape. These tapes are usually made of reinforced cloth, and
are 50 or 100 feet long. For more precise measurements, it was formerly the
practice to use a "steel chain," which is a thin, flexible steel
measuring tape up to 200 feet long. However, where sophisticated surveys are
needed now it is common to employ various forms of "electronic distance
meters," or EDMs, which use a laser beam to take instantaneous and
accurate measurements between the instrument and a "rodman" holding a
reflector. Whatever the means used, the object is the same: the measurement of
distances between stations along the centerline of the road.
On a low-grade logging road such
as the one to the Last Stand Grove, stations may be placed at pre-set
intervals of 50 feet or so. Stations are also placed wherever there is a
"break" in the terrain. A "break" is a significant change
in the terrain-it might be a slight hollow or a major rock outcrop. In complex
terrain, stations are more closely spaced. Where the route crosses a stream,
for instance, stations might be placed at the top of the banks, at the actual
edge of the stream, and in the center of the stream. Stations are also placed
at any point where the centerline of the road changes direction.
The survey crew makes a note of anything of significance in
the terrain at each station, and also generally runs a
"cross-section." In a cross-section, an imaginary line is plotted at
right angles to the centerline of the road. The crew takes a chain out 50 or
100 feet above and below the centerline and records differences in elevation at
various distances from the centerline. For low-grade roads this is done by
simply recording angles from the centerline with a clinometer or hand level. In
more sophisticated surveys a tripod-mounted level is set up over the centerline
station to record exact elevation differences along the cross-section. Occasionally, stakes are placed above and below the centerline along the
line of each cross-section ("cross-section stakes").
When the crew "puts in" a station, they place a
stake with the numerical designation of that station in the ground. On a
low-grade road, the survey stake itself is the only indicator of the station.
In more elaborate surveys, where precise distances are required, the station is
marked by a nail or a "hub and tack." A hub is a fat (usually 2"
x 2") stake which is pounded flush into the ground-a small tack is then
placed in the top at the precise location of the station. This is of importance
to the monkeywrencher, since if you want to do a thorough job of
monkeywrenching a survey project, you need to remove everything -every bit you leave will make the job of re-surveying
easier-yet you may not notice a hub flush with the ground and almost certainly
will not notice something as small as a nail, unless you know to look for such
things around survey stakes.
Sometimes, especially in areas with heavy cattle grazing,
small colored flags attached to long wires are fastened to the point of a stake
or hub before it is driven into the ground. These flags make the stakes easier
to locate, but their real purpose is to make the survey animal-proof. Survey
stakes are frequently pulled out of the ground or broken off due to the
activities of cows or other large herbivores (cows as monkeywrenchers?). Often
the stake is totally absent but the flag remains. Monkeywrenchers should be
sure to pull up such flags, and look for a hub-it may be covered with a layer
of dirt, pine needles, or the like.
Stakes are numbered beginning with the starting point of the
road. The numbering system used is fairly standard, and a brief explanation
may be of some use to the serious monkeywrencher. Theoretically, the starting
station on a road would be "zero," which would be written as
"0000," since it's a four digit system measured in feet. A station 50
feet from the starting point would be written as "0050." It is
common, though, to start out at 1000' ("1000") to allow for later
adjustments in the design. So if "1000" is the beginning station in a
road, a station 250 feet farther down the centerline would be written as
"1250," and one 1000 feet from the starting point would be written as
"2000." You can therefore determine by the station numbers where you
are in relation to the starting point of a line of survey stakes-if you cross a
survey line in the woods at station "6200," for example, you are
likely about a mile from the starting point (assuming the first station was
"1000"). Of course, only exploration will tell you how far the
stakes go in the opposite direction-unless you have some "inside"
information on the project.
In addition to a number, each stake will probably have a letter or series of letters written on it. These may be "PT" or "POT," which stand for "point on tangent," or "PC" or "POC," which stand for "point of curve." A point on tangent is simply a station along a straight section of the centerline, while the point of curve is a station where the centerline either begins or ends a curve. On low-grade logging roads, the Freddies usually employ a simpler designation: stations on a straight line are designated with a "P," for "point," while stations at the beginning or end of a turn are designated "PI," for "point of intersection." The importance of this to the monkeywrencher is that "PC" or "PI" stations, where the road will change direction, are more critical than the stations on a straight line. At "PC," "POC," and "PI" stations, the survey crews, in addition to their usual cross-section, also record the angle and direction of the turn. For low-grade roads this is done with a hand or staff compass; on more sophisticated roads this is done with a theodolite or its electronic equivalent. Because the "loss" of a PC or PI station can necessitate a lot of replacement work, these stations often have special "reference points," which are additional means of locating the station should the original hub and/or stake be removed or otherwise effaced.
Reference points (or "RPs,"
as they are usually termed) are not inspired by monkeywrenchers, although their use has
certainly become more common in areas where the deliberate removal of survey
stakes has become a popular pastime. Survey stakes, hubs, and the other
markings of survey crews are often obliterated in perfectly
"innocent" ways. If a road is not immediately built, for example, the
ravages of nature begin to take their toll. Stakes weather fast, flagging fades
and eventually disintegrates, and some forest creatures speed the process up by
gnawing on the stakes. An additional reason for the use of RPs is that when the
construction workers arrive on the scene, they often accidentally knock over
stakes before their usefulness is finished.
RPs may be placed several ways.
Perhaps the simplest and most common is to set a hub and tack a given distance
from the station (remember, it will probably be a "PC,"
"POC," or "PI" station). The hub and tack will be placed to
the side of the roadway. In extremely hard ground a nail will
probably be used instead of a hub and tack. The distance will vary, but it
might be as far as 50' away, although the distance has a lot to do with
visibility. Then a second hub and tack (or nail) will be placed a number of feet
beyond the first one, on a tangent (straight line) leading to the station that
is being RP'd. Thus, if the original station is obliterated, by lining up the
two RPs and measuring the distance it is possible to re-set the station. It is
important for the prospective monkeywrencher to check carefully for RPs when
removing survey stakes. If you don't find any on your first couple of "PC"
or "Pl" stations, it is probably safe to assume that there aren't
any, but if they are present a thorough job of monkeywrenching requires their
removal. Fortunately, RPs are also usually marked by stakes and flagging, so
that the surveyors can find them again.
way RPs are sometimes done is to place a hub and tack or nail a given distance off the
centerline, measure the distance, and take a compass bearing from the RP to the centerline station. This method
is not as accurate as the previous method, and is not likely to be employed on
sophisticated surveys. On simple surveys in wooded terrain, RPs usually consist
of no more than a couple of stakes nailed to widely-separated trees away from
the centerline. By simultaneously measuring known distances from those two
stakes, the surveyors can relocate the original station. (No bearings are
Just before actual construction of a road begins, a final
survey is done. Any changes in the centerline suggested in the final design are
made. More importantly (for the monkeywrencher, at least) additional staking
is done. "Slope stakes" are placed above and below the centerline.
These stakes indicate such things as the top of the cut and the bottom of the
fill. At stream crossings they indicate such things as the position of
culverts. Slope stakes usually bear written information regarding the width of
the roadway, depth of cut, and so on. Slope stakes are more for the benefit of
the inspectors than the bulldozer operators, who rarely read them and knock
them out with their 'dozers as soon as work commences. The best time to
monkeywrench a road survey is after the main survey has been completed but before slope staking begins. A monkeywrencher has far more stakes to
remove if he or she waits until this final phase, and by then it is frequently
too late to stop the road. The slope-staking crews sometimes work only a few
days ahead of the 'dozer crews.
FLAGGING - Survey crews leave lots of bright-colored
flagging to mark their path. While this flagging may be offensive to the
aesthetic sense, it certainly makes it easier for a monkeywrencher to locate
all the stakes, hubs, and nails. Usually flagging is placed on the stakes
themselves (although there is a trend to use pre-painted stakes instead-red or
orange are the most common colors). Hubs are not flagged, since they are
generally pounded flush into the ground, but nails have a strip of flagging
tied around the head before they are driven into the ground. In addition,
flagging is usually hung on a branch above the stake (in wooded country). Thus
the centerline of the road is usually wellmarked with flagging. When
slope-staking is done, two additional lines of flagging (one above and one
below the centerline) are usually placed. This flagging delineates the zone
that will be cleared of trees ahead of the bulldozers. In addition to pulling
out all stakes, nails, and hubs, the thorough monkeywrencher should remove all flagging. The harder it is for the
surveyors to re-locate the route of a road, the more costly and time-consuming
a re-survey will be.
A monkeywrencher removing stakes and
flagging from a road project will quickly accumulate more stakes and flagging
than can be conveniently carried. A good idea is to carry a pack' in which to
place stakes and flagging. Periodically, the monkeywrencher should detour some
distance away from the route of the road, and dispose of this material in such
a way that it is not likely to be easily seen. Burning has been suggested, but
this is time-consuming and might jeopardize security, and in any event is not
recommended for flagging, which is plastic. A better method is to bury the
material. At the very least, stakes should be broken and all stakes and
flagging hidden under logs or rocks. Resist the temptation to carry any of the
material out with you once you've finished monkeywrenching a project. Stakes
and flagging would constitute incriminating evidence should you be stopped and
searched. (See FIELD NOTES for additional and important security
Any development
involving structures is extensively surveyed prior to construction. Not only
are the locations of corners, water and sewer lines, and such important, but it
is necessary to have precise elevations for foundations and to provide proper
drainage for sewer lines. For these reasons the surveying done on construction
sites is more precise than that done for most roads.
can seriously retard major construction projects.
The basic principles of surveying are the same as for roads,
and you will find a profusion of hubs and tacks, nails and stakes around any
major construction site. The main thing to keep in mind around a construction
site is that reference points, or RPs, are almost certainly used for all major
points of significance. This is because as soon as actual construction starts,
all of the hubs, nails, and the like marking important locations get ripped out
during excavation for the buildings, even though it is absolutely necessary to
relocate all of these points. Therefore, well away from the building site you
will find numerous RPs. A proper job of monkeywrenching will require removal of
all of these, in addition to the hubs, stakes, and such on the actual building
On a construction site, the stakes will often carry a
description of what they represent, as "water line," "corner of
building," "edge of sidewalk," and such. Frequently,
longer-than-usual stakes are employed. These are called "laths," and
may be 2' or 3' long. Laths are also frequently used in the slope-staking of
OFFSET STAKES - Survey stakes may be offset from the actual location of the station. This may be for several
reasons. If the station falls on a rock where a stake cannot be driven, a
masonry nail may be driven into the rock to mark the station, and the stake
offset several feet. Sometimes the ground is simply too hard to admit a stake
(but usually not a nail). On road reconstruction projects, where stations may fall in an existing roadway,
stakes or laths are offset to the side of the road. You have probably seen
these while driving down a highway about to be improved. If the existing road
is unpaved, nails with flagging or shiners on them (a shiner is a small, bright
metal disk through which a nail is driven) are driven into the actual station,
while the stake bearing the station number is offset to the side of the road.
If the existing road is paved, a masonry nail is driven into the pavement at
the station, and the station number is spray-painted on the surface of the
When a stake is
offset, the distance of the offset is written at the top of the stake, enclosed
in a circle or oval. The writing on the stake faces the direction of the station.
If you find such a stake, you can usually find the actual station by roughly
measuring the distance written on the stake and searching for a nail. Sometimes
a stake may be offset several feet from a hub, particularly in hard ground. A
hub can sometimes be successfully driven into ground hard enough to shatter the
thinner identifying stakes.
"bench mark" is a point of known elevation. The classic example is
the USGS markers (usually a brass cap) which one finds frequently on mountain
tops or other prominent locations. In many survey projects (including some road
projects) it is necessary to know exact elevations. Working from a permanent
bench mark, like a USGS bench mark, the surveyors establish the elevation of a
number of "temporary bench marks" ("TBMs") in the project
area. Large, stable rocks with small protuberances are favorite subjects for
temporary bench marks. The rock will frequently be spray-painted and the
elevation of the protuberance written on the rock. Another oft-used method is
to drive a large nail most of the way into a tree. The head of the nail is the
TBM, and its elevation is usually written on a stake nailed to the tree. The
tree will also probably be prominently flagged or spray-painted. While TBMs
painted on rocks would be difficult to efface, nails in trees can either be
driven all the way in and disguised or removed with a claw hammer.
Sometimes for major construction projects survey crews
establish permanent bench marks at the construction site. These usually
consist of small copper caps or larger (4" - 5" diameter) aluminum
ones set in concrete. The cap is attached to a metal rod (sometimes up to 2'
long) which is driven to within a few inches of the ground surface, after which
a few inches of concrete are poured around the metal cap. These are called
"monuments." Removing one would probably require a shovel and/or pry
bar. Needless to say, removal of a monument is illegal; in fact, it usually
says so right on the metal cap.
PHOTO PANELS - You have probably seen these in the woods.
They consist of sheets of plastic, a foot or two wide and ten or more feet
long, usually arranged in a cross or "X." The plastic is usually
white, although black plastic is sometimes used on a light-colored surface. The
purpose of these is to aid in mapping by aerial photography. If you look at the
center of the "X," you will find a hub, nail, or piece of rebar. This
marks a point with known coordinates (i.e., it has been set after the surveyors
have run a traverse out to it). Several of these panels will be laid out in
advance of a photo session. This may sound innocent, but such mapping is
frequently done in connection with major construction projects. Unfortunately,
photo panels are frequently left to rot in the woods after the job is done;
effective monkeywrenching would have to be done during the short interval
between the time they are laid out and the time the photos are taken-this
sometimes is a matter of days, though it may be several weeks.
-Leather stocking
* TOOLS - While
little specialized equipment is necessary for the saboteur of survey stakes, a
few items are helpful. As mentioned earlier, a pack to carry stakes, flagging,
and other trash one might pick up is helpful. Don't carry out anything that might be incriminating. Bury or otherwise
conceal it away from the road or construction site.
A claw hammer is useful for pulling nails out of trees or
pavement, and even makes it simpler to remove nails from soft ground. It also
can prove useful in removing hubs from hard ground. Give the head of the hub a
few good whacks to one side or another. That will probably loosen the hub
enough so that it can be pulled out by hand.
* SECURITY - Removing survey stakes may
seem like a relatively innocuous occupation, but the authorities and the
corporate minions do not consider it trivial. Always use a lookout. If you see
anyone else in the vicinity, stop, get rid of anything incriminating, and get
out of the area. Always have an escape route planned. Treat this activity as
seriously as you would any other form of monkeywrenching.
If you are working in an area in which
there has been considerable monkeywrenching, the authorities may well be on
the lookout for saboteurs. Do not discount the possibility that a survey project
may be staked out (no pun intended) or that someone may have followed you into
the woods. It has been reported that on some highly-controversial timber sales
the Freddies have resorted to putting invisible dyes on survey stakes. The
idea apparently is that anyone touching these stakes will get some of the dye
on their hands but not be aware of it, and that should they be apprehended, the
dye would show up under ultraviolet light. Although it is not likely that this
tactic will be widely used, since it will complicate the task of the surveyors
and construction workers themselves, prospective monkeywrenchers should be
aware of the lengths to which the authorities are prepared to go.
Invisible dyes are really nothing new
in law enforcement, and have long been used to mark money. If you suspect that
the authorities might be using this technique in your area, take a few simple
precautions: Wear cheap cotton gloves while monkeywrenching. Place the stakes,
as they are removed, in a plastic trash bag. Avoid touching clothing with
either gloves or stakes. Before leaving the area, dispose of gloves, stakes,
and trash bag(s), preferably where they will never be found. Be sure that you
have left no fingerprints on anything-be especially careful with the trash
bags. At the earliest opportunity, wash the clothes you were wearing on your
* Do not
neglect other tactics discussed in this book (road spiking, sand in the oil,
etc.) to harass surveyors.
We have received comments
from knowledgeable individuals that the "Mining" section in the
second edition of Ecodefense contained inaccurate information. In addition to decrying
the misleading information about mining claims and staking, critics argued that
destroying mine claim posts accomplished very little at considerable risk. As
one experienced monkeywrencher wrote, "If you remove the posts at an early
stage, all you will do is warn the claim holder of potential future problems. I
personally believe that the vast majority of mining claims aren't worth the
trouble." We agree, and have deleted the article on mining claims from
this third edition. Instead of wasting your time trashing mining claims, there
are far more effective ways to hamper the destructiveness of both small and
corporate miners. Suggestions are offered in the following FIELD NOTES.
* Because so many "mines" are on a shaky financial
footing, spiking roads to cause flat tires, plugging culverts to wash out newly
bulldozed roads, and midnight maintenance on heavy equipment and trucks can
cause crippling financial losses to a small or medium-sized operator, and
sometimes even cause a major company to abandon a project. (The major asset
many "small miners" have is their bulldozer which they use with
wreckless abandon to scrape up the earth to look for the "mother
lode." These fellows are among the most destructive characters loose on
our public lands. If you can cripple their bulldozer with the techniques
described elsewhere in Ecodefense, you might put them out of business, or at least run them out of
the area you are trying to defend.) Security is of prime importance with any
monkeywrenching around a mine site because of the forty-niner mentality still
prevalent amongst such "get rich quick" cretins. Do not take
unnecessary chances here-you are not simply courting jail, but possible death.
* If you ever run across an unattended drill rig, take the
bits away and bury them. Do likewise with any strange looking fittings you
find, especially if they are for compressors or pumps. Some of these things are
specialized and aren't easily replaced. If there are rows of cuttings, scatter
these around. If there are cores, break and scatter them.
* One kind of mining claim marker that
should be destroyed is that made of PVC pipe. Many miners are now using
four-inch diameter PVC pipe in lengths of about 4 feet as claim markers. They
double as death traps. In one case, BLM rangers examined 730 of these posts and
found 168 dead birds and lizards. Flycatchers and wrens are particularly
vulnerable. Birds enter them for possible nesting sites and can't get out. Bees
and other insects die in them as well. Until uncapped pipes are banned as claim
markers, they can be tipped over or smashed.
During the last several years, the sabotage of powerlines
has become recognized as a major form of monkeywrenching-due largely to
several ill planned and poorly thought-out actions. In fact, sabotage of
powerlines is often a poor idea. The reasons arguing against powerline ecotage
1) The difficulty of explaining why the powerline is being
sabotaged. Who is the audience? What is the message? What are you trying to
2) The strong
likelihood of alienating the public. Dropping a powerline may cut off power to
hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people, and cause them great
inconvenience. It is doubtful that they will be sympathetic to either your
action or to your goals after experiencing the inconvenience. (In one foolish
powerline downing near Santa Cruz, California, in 1990, the many victims had
recently been hit with a major earthquake.)
3) Law enforcement agencies make powerline sabotage a higher
priority than other forms of monkeywrenching. Judges, prosecutors, and police
agencies are likely to react severely to something that has the potential of
inconveniencing so many people, and that strikes at the heart of the industrial
High-voltage powerlines are extremely dangerous and monkeywrenchers could be
easily killed trying to sabotage them.
Unless you are prepared to take on these problems, and there
is no better alternative, leave powerlines alone. Powerlines having any
connection to nuclear power plants have the above problems in spades. Doing
anything to such a line will bring the entire weight of the Department of
Justice down on your head. (The successful minor ecotage of a powerline
connected to the Palo Verde Nuke Plant in Arizona in 1986 triggered the Justice
Department's infamous operation against Arizona Earth First!, even though there
was no connection between the 1986 incident and Earth First!.)
directed at remote powerlines servicing only land-destroying operations, like
isolated mines, is more justifiable and safe.
However, there have been successful and justifiable ecotage
actions against major powerlines. The most successful was in western Minnesota
in the mid- to late-1970s, when a group of farmers, the "Bolt
Weevils," continually monkeywrenched a 500 KV powerline under
construction. Although that powerline was ultimately built, a dozen other
projected powerlines were never built. The following guidelines on
monkeywrenching powerlines come from anonymous Bolt Weevil veterans.
Powerlines are highly vulnerable to monkeywrenching from
individuals or small groups. The best techniques are: 1) removing bolts from
steel towers; 2) if tower bolts are welded to the nuts, cutting steel towers
with hacksaws, torches (be careful not to breathe the vapors of galvanized
metal-see the "Cutting Torch" section in the Vehicles and Heavy
Equipment chapter), or cutting wheels; and 3) shooting out insulators (with a
shotgun), and shooting the electrical conductor itself (a high-powered rifle is
best) which frays it and reduces its ability to transmit electricity. Chain
saws, or crosscut saws where noise is a problem, are appropriate for the large
wooden towers. Techniques that connect the conductors directly to each other
(cable lifted by balloons or shot by harpoon guns) are also effective, but more
dangerous to ecoteurs. Used creatively, these techniques can completely baffle
the opposition.
* Most powerline towers are attached to a concrete base(s)
by large bolts and nuts (with or without the addition of guy wires). (See
illustration.) Check the size of the nuts, get a socket set for that size nut,
a cheater pipe for better torque, and remove the nuts. You may also want to tap
out the bolts with a hammer. Wind will do the rest after you are safely away
from the area.
* The more vulnerable towers are those
spanning a canyon, at corners, on long spans, going up or down
mountains-anywhere there is added stress or
wind. The "domino effect" can be achieved by monkeywrenching a series
of towers leading up to a corner, or an otherwise stressed tower, and then
monkeywrenching the stressed tower. Do
not expect to monkeywrench a stressed tower and then allow the wind to finish
the job for you after you are safely away from the area-it will probably come
down in your presence. Be prepared.
If the nuts are welded to the
bolts to prevent removal, use a
hacksaw to cut through the bolts or even through the supports. This is more
difficult, but a night's work can still prepare a good number of towers for
toppling in the next storm.
A cutting torch can also be used
for cutting through tower supports (see "Cutting Torch" section in
the Vehicles and Heavy Equipment chapter). Keep
in mind that use of a cutting torch may result in additional arson charges.
This happened in the Arizona case.
* Another
effective method, where noise is not much of a problem, is to shoot out the
insulators holding the power cables themselves. A twelve-gauge shotgun loaded
with double-ought shot is the best tool. Walk under the line until you are
directly beneath the insulators on a tower. (See Illustration.) With your back
to the wind, take two large steps backwards, aim at the insulators, and
commence firing. Be prepared to dodge large chunks of falling glass. Large
powerlines are suspended from strings of 20 or more insulators. Breaking 70 to
90 percent of them in one string is usually enough to ground out the conductor.
This may take several rounds (the record is two), and will cause bright sparks.
A team of three shotgunners, each taking a string of insulators for one
conductor or conductor bundle, is best for a typical AC line. The lines
themselves seldom are shot through and thus fall, but be alert for this
possibility. Keep in mind that the use
of firearms will result in additional charges if you are caught.
* When
insulators are shot out, the line quits carrying power and has to be shut down
until the point of disruption is found and repaired. A helicopter may have to
fly several hundred miles of powerline to find where it has been monkeywrenched.
Monkeywrenching at a number of locations on the same night compounds the
utility company's problems.
* Because of the noise from the use of shotguns, extreme
security measures are necessary and several escape routes should be planned.
Furthermore, the use of firearms makes this a potentially dangerous activity. Do not leave any empty shotgun shells at the scene, since they can be positively
traced to the gun that fired them.
* Smaller powerlines are vulnerable to having their insulators
shot out by a .22 rifle from a car driving along backroads or a hiker.
("Powerline? What powerline? I'm just hunting rabbits.") This is an
effective way to discourage power companies from spraying rights-of-way with
toxic herbicides if you let the power company know that the damage is being
done because of herbicide spraying (techniques for safe communication of this
sort are in the Security chapter) and that it will stop when they stop
poisoning the area.
* One item in Murphy's Law states,
"When loosening bolts, one of them is bound to be a roller (a bolt that
will not simply spin off, but must be wrenched off millimeter by millimeter).
It will either be the last bolt or the one most difficult to reach."
So, for the soloist, it is wise to carry a cheap 3"
C-clamp, which can bought at any hardware store, and a flat box-end wrench. Put
the "fixed" head of the C-frame on the outside of the angle iron (the
flat side) of the power tower and the floating head of the screw on the inside
(sloped face). This gives you a brace to hold the box wrench so you can use
both hands on the ratchet. This set-up will sometimes slip, so be careful to
avoid skinned knuckles (wear gloves). An off-set wrench will only roll off the
nut, adding to your frustrations.
• Some
powerline towers are supported by guy wires. It would be extremely dangerous to
cut the guy wires. They under great tension and the resulting snap could easily
kill a nearby person. Also, the tower would be quite unstable after the last
guy wire is cut-there is no telling where it would fall.
A safer method is to use a 4 foot long
bar on the turnbuckle connecting the guy wire to ground and just unscrew the
sucker most of the way. Let the wind do the rest-do not unscrew it all the way
or you will be in the same danger as from cutting the wire.
* Powerlines are generally patrolled at least once a week at irregular times.
• Any
work near powerlines or other sources of electricity must be done with extreme
caution. The high voltage will kill you if you are careless. If you have the
opportunity, watch a power company crew doing "Hot Stick" work. If
you must work around live wires, use proper equipment.
According to a recent report from
UPI, utility companies are warning the public that small, metallic balloons,
such as those sold for birthday parties and Valentine's Day, have been
implicated in several recent power failures. "In the past couple of years
these metallic balloons have come up from nowhere and have escalated into a
major source of power outages," said Harry Arnott, a spokesman for Pacific
Gas & Electric, a major California utility.
The Mylar balloons have a
1000th-of-an-inch coating of aluminum, which is an excellent conductor of
electricity. When a stray balloon gets caught between two powerlines, it can
cause electricity to arc between the lines, melting the lines and sometimes
blowing up transformers and causing live wires to fall to the ground.
In 1987 PG & E blamed balloons for
140 power outages, while Southern California Edison reported 229
balloon-caused outages. An outage on Valentine's Day in 1986 caused by a
silvery heart balloon affected 20,000 customers. A balloon-caused outage in
Antioch, California, in August 1987 affected 2750 customers and fried wires in
microwaves, VCRs, and TV sets. The problem caused by holiday balloons has only
been recognized recently, because the balloons usually disintegrate when they
hit power lines, leaving no trace.
these balloons, as well as other plastic items, have been implicated in the deaths
of marine animals, such as turtles and whales, who mistakenly ingest them. For
that reason, their use in monkeywrenching is strongly discouraged. Even though
they are effective weapons against powerlines, their danger to biodiversity is
even greater. Do not use them, especially not near the ocean.
One of the biggest potential threats to wilderness is energy
exploration. According to the Utah Wilderness Association, for example, over 90
percent of BLM land in Utah is covered by oil and gas leases. The holder of the
lease has the right to explore for energy wealth with helicopters, trucks, and
sometimes earthmoving equipment; roads have been bulldozed for drilling rigs in
several Wilderness Study Areas, even thought this violates BLM regulations for
WSAs. Exploration, drilling, and extraction of fossil fuels continue to be regarded
in Washington as priority uses for public lands in the West.
Permits to explore
for oil and gas are regularly granted by the BLM and Forest Service with
little or no fuss. Environmental damage is supposed to be kept to a minimum,
but damage is inevitable; and nobody watches seismic crews to prevent needless
tearing up of the land-except at archaeological sites, which must be surveyed
and marked by an archaeologist before the seismic work can begin. I heard a
story that typifies this kind of situation. A crew was doing a line in
Montezuma Canyon in Utah, where they were preceded by a bulldozer to make a
road through the rocks. Because the canyon is an archaeologically rich area,
full of Basketmaker and later Cliff Dweller sites, an archaeologist marked
these sites off limits with blue flagging. Human nature being what it is, the
surveyors and the “juggies" raided every blue-flagged area for potsherds
and arrowheads!
After the energy company gets its permit, it sends in the
surveyors. Working with a "chain," the line is laid out
cross-country or along a road using colored flags at regular intervals of 110,
220, 440 feet, or whatever for the pattern being used. Later (sometimes not
until after the line is "shot") the surveyors sight in the whole line
with a theodolite or its electronic equivalent, leaving survey stakes to mark
instrument positions. Survey work is easy, although tedious, to undo. As an
ecodefender, the biggest problem is finding a seismic line in the first place;
unless you have talked to somebody on the crew over a beer, a glimpse of
colored flags along the road or trail is the only clue. Walk along the line and
pull them all up. Bring a pack because seismic lines often run thirty miles or
more, and that's a lot of flags.
Wild areas commonly have rugged
terrain, else they would have been explored and drilled years ago. The advent
of "portable" crews has overcome terrain problems for oil companies,
however, and created problems for wilderness defenders instead. Portable crews
arrive by helicopter and use lightweight cable and geophones, and a portable
seismograph or "recorder" unit which puts the data on magnetic tape.
To create echoes for the geophones to pick up, dynamite charges are set off in
drilled holes or on the surface. These explosive charges do little damage to
the landscape, but they play hob with any wild animals that may live in the
area. In some areas repeatedly explored (oil companies don't share information
with one another, so redundant work is commissioned) Bighorn Sheep and other
animals have moved away.
Shot-hole operations use a truck-mounted drilling rig and leave a
lot more physical evidence than a portable crew. There are restrictions on the
use of this kind of equipment near human habitations, naturally, but most oil
and gas exploration is on backcountry roads and trails. The major threat to
wilderness here is roads. Needing a road on which to work, a seismic crew will
get a bulldozer and make one.
"Vibroseis" crews are a relatively new development
in geophysical work. Instead of dynamite charges, vibrator trucks are used.
Each "vibe" lowers a plate to the ground, and shakes it
hydraulically. There are usually four vibes on a crew, most often trucks, but
tracked vibes are used by some companies that work off the roads a lot.
A typical crew has about three or four miles of cable and
geophones on the ground at any one time. During the work day, the recorder
truck is plugged into the cable, "reading" off about two miles of
line as the vibes shake at intervals along it. The "jug crew" is
picking up the geophones and cables behind the vibes and laying it all out
again ahead. At night, the vehicles are usually parked in town but the cable is
left in place on the line. Often the cable heads are disconnected at intervals
or where the line crosses a road, since people have been known to use a pickup
truck or whatever to drag cables away. Cable and geophones are very expensive
and hard to replace if lost or damaged.
Seismic crews generally have three or four vibes and jug
trucks, and the crew can usually operate well enough even if its loses one of
these vehicles. However, each crew possesses only one recorder. If it goes
down, no work can be done until it is fixed. A recorder is expensive, complex
electronic equipment, and too costly to replace with a spare. If the recorder
is down, the crew has to shut down. Juggie lore tells of the time one crew was
tired of working seven days a week, 12 hours a day, and so created a vacation
by putting a ping-pong ball in the diesel fuel of the recorder truck.
Monkeywrenching Seismic
If you come across
seismic equipment in the mountains or desert, there are a couple of cheap, easy
ways to cause energy companies untold grief and expense. Concentrate on the
thick cables paralleling the strings of geophones. Only two cheap, easily
obtained items are necessary: A box of straight pins and a few tubes of super
glue. Push two or three straight pins completely into as many cables as you
have time for, then bend the pins until the heads break off, so they can't be
seen or easily removed. This will short out all wiring in the cable, rendering
it useless. Next find the cable heads (where the cable hooks to the next one:
100-300 feet apart). Open the heads by unscrewing or opening the
latches-depending on the type of cable. Inside, you will see male and female
plugs, 2 each, containing 48 or 96 "pins." Cover these with super
glue, as well as the joining edges of the cable heads, and put them back
together. Most crews only have a few replacement cables, so if you can
"fix" 10-20 heads you will shut them down.
If you come across the
"doghouse" (computer center of the crew), you probably won't be able
to get inside to do any real damage, unless you're carrying bolt cutters or a
hacksaw. These things run off generators sitting right next to them, though,
and the usual monkeywrench tricks will work there.
In themselves, seismic survey crews do
less damage to the land than strip mines, power plants, and dams. However, our
remaining de facto wilderness areas (which are not protected by legislation)
lie open to road making for seismic operations, and when the results from such
a survey are positive we get drilling rigs. This type of work should be
restricted to land already dominated by the works of civilization. In
wildlands, seismic crews are the vanguard of the "rape, ruin, and run
boys" and should be stopped.
-Everett Ruess
* Update: Most seismic crews now record many more signals
than before, and use "telemetry" systems. They reportedly no longer
use cables that plug into one another, which could be glued together by
monkeywrenchers as in the past. In the new systems, you will find boxes about
eight inches high plugged into the cable at intervals that could be anything
from 100 to 1000 feet. The most common brand names are Geosource, GUS,
Input/Output, or Sercel. These boxes are worth about $3000 to $8000 apiece,
depending on the model. If about one-third of the boxes were dragged off by
goddamn wolves or bison and hidden in bushes or holes, this would stop the
crew, unless they carry a lot more spares than usual. The cables themselves are
not worth so much except one telemetry system uses fiber-optic cables, which
are hard to repair if chewed by feral donkeys. Or giant rats.
It is common today to record several parallel lines at once,
so if you stumble across one recording line, more may be nearby. Each line
cable might lead into the recording truck, which often removed from the site at
night. If you encounter a cable running transversely to the recording cable,
this may lead to other lines. Where the transverse cable meets the recording
lines, the boxes may look different than the others. These are special boxes,
few in number, and a meteorite strike on these would really hold up the crew.
A seismic crew working in mountainous
terrain will probably use a radio repeater. Scanning the peaks with binoculars,
you might find an antenna. If you like climbing, an expedition might reveal
whether this antenna could be improved by an FBI agent provocateur with a gas
torch or big rock.
A trade journal called World Geophysical News gives the approximate locations of working crews.
Unfortunately, this will set you back $200 a year, and many contemporary
surveys are so short they will be finished by the time you read about them. If
you arrived on the grid of a freshly completed survey, about all you could do
is rip out permanent markers, or swap the numbers of them. Or perhaps you could
look for evidence of any damage that breaches the environmental regulations the
crew was supposed to observe.
Finally, be careful.
Many crews employ a warm body to watch the recording cables at night, when
working near any human settlements. Also take note that Greenpeace is being
sued for stopping a seismography boat off the coast of Australia.
-Robert LeRoy Parker
Despite the general focus of this book
on wilderness defense and the general public perception that monkeywrenching
is restricted to wild lands in the West, ecotage has a long and honorable
tradition fighting polluting industries as well. One of the most evolved forms
of monkeywrenching is plugging polluters' discharge pipes. The following is
from an expert in such matters.
The basic trick is to plug wastewater discharge pipes from
various industries. Chemical, metal working, electrical generating, mining,
sewerage, and oil refining and drilling plants all discharge large amounts of
wastewater. Wastewater flow rates can exceed several million gallons per day
from a single source.
A single pipe can turn a vital river
into a festering toxic sewer. Imagine the reaction at the plant when the foul
stuff oozes back into the executive parking lot instead of into an unsuspecting
This is the easy part. Look in
the local yellow pages for one of the facilities mentioned above. Or, walk or
canoe along the local riverbank. Mark prospective targets on a map. Use a tape
measure to determine the inside pipe diameter. Note the type of pipe
(concrete, steel, or clay).
SEWER pipes are distinguished by gray-colored water
discharges, algae growing in the pipe, rancid smells, and black ooze in
sediment near the pipe. These pipes range in size from 12 to 96 inches.
LANDFILLS leak toxic contaminants. The leacheate is often
pumped into a local water body. Look for orange iron stains from the leacheate.
Thin oily films will form on puddles of the leacheate. Unlike oil slicks, the
films are solid, resembling the effect you get when you sprinkle talcum powder
on still water.
RAINWATER RUNOFF and drainage pipes are
extremely common. These pipes are at the end of natural or artificial drainage
courses. They are most often 18 or 12 inches in diameter. They usually run
clear, except for the first few minutes after a cloudburst begins. Then all the
crap on the roads (oil and heavy metals) gets washed into the' water. Many
folks find storm drains a convenient place for their toxic garbage. This is a
favorite trick of big auto repair shops. Plugging a rainwater runoff pipe can
have a delayed but dramatic effect on a local industry or shopping mall.
are universally warm, foamy, BIG, and tough to plug. Generally,
intakes for cooling water pipes for chemical plants should not be plugged
because such a sudden blockage could result in dangerous conditions inside the
INDUSTRIAL WASTE OUTFLOWS are the most noxious of all pipes.
The most toxic waters from an industry run anywhere from completely clear and
clean-looking to completely black. The water can turn blue litmus paper red or
vice versa. If a pipe doesn't fit one of the first four categories, and is
located near a chemical, oil, metal, high tech, mining, or other plant, it's
probably a toxic discharge.
Plugging A Pipe
SMALL PIPES 18 inches and less in diameter. The first step
is to temporarily block the flow in the pipe to make your job easier. Many
pipes have little or no flow during dry weather. If there is a flow, stop it up
temporarily with one or more sand bags. Stuff the sand bag up the pipe as far
as you can. This will give you the time you need to work.
Fill a second sand bag with a water-cement-gravel mixture
and push it in up to the first sand bag. At this point you should have blocked
flow from the pipe. Add a little cement around the bag to lock it in place.
Cement in a few bigger rocks for good measure. (See Figure 2.)
Sometimes a bucket filled with cement and gravel will just
fit into a pipe. This is especially true for 12" pipes. Add extra cement
around the edges inside the pipe to ensure good anchoring. Similar objects
filled with cement are available for smaller pipes (vehicle exhaust pipes, for
example). Plumber supply stores have commercial pipe plugs for 2 to 8 inch
MEDIUM PIPES 2 to 5 feet in diameter. For sewer manholes,
simply lift the cover and fill the manhole with sandbags. Twenty-five 60 pound
bags will fill the largest ones. Far fewer bags can be used if you only stuff
them up the exit pipe. The weight of the water will force a complete blockage
as the manhole fills up. (See Figure 3.)
Sandbags may also be used as a temporary block while the
pipe exit is blocked with bricks and cement. Cement and gravel filled bags will
do if extra cement is put between the bags. This is a big operation and will
require a vehicle and one to two hours work for two people.
BIG PIPES 5 feet and bigger in diameter. These pipes can be
bricked and dammed if they are occasionally dry. There may be no or low flow
times of day or year. Nail guns (watch out for firearms laws) may be used to
attach strips of sheet metal onto bulkheads even if there is some flow. Or you
can hammer in regular nails or special nails designed for concrete.
upstream for valves, gates, weirs, and intakes which may be easier to plug or
gum up.
the pipe is too big, consider homemade signs that say things like "This
way to DuPont's toxic discharge pipe."
When you are done:
Clean up all equipment. Dispose of empty containers (no fingerprints!).
Camouflage your plugged pipe if possible. A pipe that's hard to find is a pipe
that's hard to fix. Don't return to view your handiwork. Rest assured that a
well-executed pipe plug will shut down even a large operation. City-sized
chemical facilities have been shut down by pipe plugs in the past.
(Examples are Dow, Midland, Michigan, 1986; Ciba Geigy, Toms
River, New Jersey, 1986; Monsanto, Boston, Massachusetts, 1985.)
Helpful Hints
1) Large utility company cooling water outfalls may
discharge 500,000,000 gallons per day, but these megaplants also have much
smaller yet equally vital wastewater flows-typically 1-10 MGD flows. An
ecodefender can easily stop these flows. Valves and flood gates may also be
Start small. What you learn on small pipes will help you with the big ones.
3) Good quality, waterproof, quick-drying cement is worth
its weight in gold. Anchoring cement has all these properties and it expands as
it sets, too. Marine patching cement is even better, but you'll need practice
to use it well.
4) When using cement, mix it with lots of gravel and stones.
They provide cheap bulk and make the plug much tougher. If you want to ruin a
company's day for sure, add some rebar and chicken wire to your cement plugs.
5) Plugging an intake or a bulkhead at the point where a
channel flow goes underground is very effective. The flowing water will help push
your plug deeper into the pipe. (See Figure 1.)
These techniques are equally effective in urban, rural, and wild places.
1) Remember that if the company wants
to get rid of the crap, it must be dangerous to your health. Always use
waterproof gloves and eye protection. Wear old rain gear that you can
affordably discard after each job. The following parts of your body should be
protected on a job:
gloves and maybe a rain jacket
masks are usually unnecessary, but it is prudent to work quickly in order to
reduce your risk
rubber boots.
Mouth-wear a bandanna over your mouth to prevent liquid
droplets from splashing into your mouth, especially when working around sewage.
2) Be careful dealing with sewage discharges. They may
contain harmful (to people) bacteria.
3) Sudden blockages of chemical
plant cooling water intakes may result in dangerous conditions inside the
plant. Block outfalls, not cooling water intakes
4) Your plug may be stronger than some older concrete pipes.
Plugging may cause bulkheads to collapse. Don't stick around.
5) Anchor cement is caustic and may burn your cuticles and
sting in cuts. Always wash after using it.
Watch out for video
cameras. Parallel chainlink fences spaced five feet or less apart may indicate
that motion detectors are in use. Small microwave antennas may be motion
Discharge pipes are so common and lowly
they are ignored by most security personnel. Unless guards are tipped off
beforehand, pipes are often sitting ducks for the ecodefender.
of leaving footprints in mud which is common around pipes.
a fictional treatment of this kind of monkeywrenching, see Zodiac: The
Eco-Thriller by Neal Stephenson
(Atlantic Monthly Press Books, 1988). -Armand
• Flush
a mixture of dry plaster and sawdust in a nylon stocking down toilets in order
to block the sewer systems of objectionable developments in wild areas, such
as ski resorts and National Park hotels.
• Ocean front
sewer pipes often have metal "tide gate" flaps to prevent seawater
from flooding the pipe during high tide. Lock it shut. Some tide gates already
have wing nut locking mechanisms. Use them.
• Waste pond and
waste ditch overflows are easily blocked because the water pressure is working
in your favor. Fil! a sandbag(s) with mixed wet anchor cement and gravel, and
stuff it in the upper end.
• At many dumps
and industrial sites you will find monitoring well caps. They are used to
detect pollution underground. Do not touch them or you may endanger a site
Hydro Plant Flood Gates
The flood gates of many hydro plants are controlled by radio
messages often sent from hundreds of miles away and transmitted by microwave
stations. When opened, the river level below can rise ten feet or more in a
minute or two and, of course, the river keeps rising so long as the gates are
open or until the source of the water is exhausted. The source generally
contains thousands of acre feet of water-sometimes enough to overflow or wash
out a dam downstream.
Modern technology generally renders the
need for humans at the plants obsolete. Consequently if one of the
transmitters were destroyed it seems logical to assume that a considerable
amount of impounded water would be liberated before remedial action could be
The transmitters are generally unguarded and amount to
nothing much more than a large billboard (the type Doc Sarvis was well
acquainted with).
Splashingly yours -Floyd Flood
The livestock industry has probably done more basic
ecological damage to the western United States than has any other single agent.
The Gray Wolf and Grizzly Bear have been exterminated throughout most of the
West for stockmen (and Grizzlies are still being killed around Yellowstone
National Park and the Rocky Mountain Front for sheep ranchers). Ranchers are
the main threat to Gray Wolves naturally repopulating the Northern Rockies from
Canada and the principal opposition to their reintroduction elsewhere in the
West. The Mountain Lion, Bobcat, Black Bear, and Coyote have been relentlessly
shot, trapped, and poisoned for and by ranchers such that lion and Bobcat
populations are shadows of their former numbers. Elk, Bighorn, Pronghorn, and
Bison have had their numbers tragically reduced through the impacts of livestock
grazing. Streams and riparian vegetation have been degraded almost to the point
of no return throughout much of the West. The grazing of cattle and sheep has
drastically altered natural vegetative communities and has led to the
introduction of non-native grasses palatable only to domestic livestock. Sheet
and gully erosion from livestock grazing have swept away most of the topsoil in
the West. In non-timbered areas, most "developments" on public
lands-roads, fences, juniper chainings, windmills, pipelines, stock tanks, and
the like-are for the benefit of only a few welfare ranchers. Vast areas of the
Great Basin and Southwest could be designated as Wilderness were it not for the
livestock industry. And throughout the West, public lands ranchers are the most
vocal and militant lobby against environmental protection and Wilderness
Nonetheless, conservationists have been slow to face the
challenge from the livestock industry. So afraid have we been of their loud
talk and pointy toed boots, that environmental groups have acquiesced in
allowing ranchers motorized access in Wilderness Areas to "manage"
their cows and sheep. Monkeywrenchers and others have shied away from fighting the
ranchers because of the Marlboro Man mystique.
Great care must be taken in selecting targets for ecotage
against livestock grazing. Despite the negative aspects of the livestock
industry, many ranchers are decent folks. They are trapped in a hopeless
situation and are trying to do the best they can. In Montana and Wyoming,
particularly, there are ranchers who support Wilderness, fight timber sales,
oppose predator control, and have a deep and abiding respect for the land. Some
of the best conservationists in the Northern Rockies are ranchers.
Unfortunately, they are the exception. But the monkeywrencher must make absolutely certain that the intended
target of grazing ecotage fully deserves it. Thoughtful ecotage strategists argue
that suitable targets may include:
Vocal leaders of the phony "Wise Use" movement and other anti-public
lands schemes;
2) Vocal opponents of Wilderness designation and other
environmental protection measures;
3) Notorious killers of Grizzlies, Gray Wolves, Mountain
Lions, Bobcats, Coyotes, prairie dogs, eagles, and other "varmints";
Poor land managers and egregious overgraziers;
5) Overgraziers who operate in particularly
sensitive areas (Wilderness Areas, National Parks and Monuments, National
Wildlife Refuges, etc.).
Selective monkeywrenching against the worst ranchers will not only help eliminate the negative impacts
of grazing from sensitive areas but will encourage all ranchers to do a better
Security must be highly stressed for
any anti-grazing activity. Although the actual number of welfare ranchers in
the West is small, they generally control the politics of rural areas, most
counties, and many states. Legal penalties are severe and date from the old
days of the cattle/sheep wars and widespread rustling. A monkeywrencher caught
in the act by stockmen may well wish he or she had never been born. Be careful.
Damn careful!
Overgrazing is vulnerable to
monkeywrenching for two reasons: 1) much of the worst overgrazing occurs in
places remote, rugged, and seldom visited; and 2) some of the most damaging
livestock operations are on a precarious financial basis where enough losses
from ecotage can eliminate the grazing problem.
by monkeywrenchers against overgrazing include the following:
Moving salt blocks;
Damaging water developments;
Cutting fences;
Spiking roads;
Destroying ranching equipment and machinery.
Road spiking and other techniques
discussed elsewhere in this book have applications against overgraziers. Today's
welfare rancher is soft and prefers a pickup truck to a horse. Take away his
wheels and you take away his access to the range. Be creative.
Salt blocks are used to disperse livestock grazing. In arid
areas, salt blocks are supposed to be placed several miles away from riparian
areas and water sources in order to prevent the livestock from congregating and
doing excessive damage in watered areas. Often, though, a hiker may discover
salt blocks placed in canyon bottoms or near streams. Such placement of salt
blocks leads to concentrated cattle use which severely damages the stream
banks, the vegetation, and the aquatic ecosystem. (After cattle have been
fenced out of dry, barren, former streams in Nevada, the streams have begun to
flow year-round again; cottonwoods, willows, and other vegetation have sprung
up; and fish have returned.) In earlier editions of Ecodefense, it was suggested that salt blocks in riparian areas be
carried away and dropped miles from water. Doing this, however, simply moves
the grazing damage elsewhere. Salt blocks should be made totally' inaccessible
to livestock. Here are some suggestions, all of which have been tested:
-If it is feasible, and safe to do so, put blocks in your
vehicle and carry them off to some place where cattle can't get to them.
them up in a tree where cattle can't reach them.
-Throw them into thick, sturdy brush or inaccessible rocky
areas, over cliffs, into holes, under cattleguards, in road culverts, or
anywhere cattle can't find them.
-Bury them
them on the other side of
fences. The cattle will either knock down the fence to get to the salt block,
or not
get to it.
-Throw them into a stock tank.
-Place them
in a campground, picnic area, or resort area, so the public can experience the
wonders of bovines up close.
Water Developments
arid areas of the West, grazing is water-based. The amount of grazing possible
in an area is determined by the availability of water. If there is no natural,
dependable water for miles in any direction, the area cannot be grazed. To
remedy this problem, pipelines are constructed from water sources to drinking
troughs for cattle. Windmills may also be drilled. Such developments are
vulnerable to ecotage.
- These are of a variety of types, ranging from simple ones consisting of the
ubiquitous black flexible PVC pipe, to more elaborate systems using steel or
aluminum pipe. Sometimes rigid PVC pipe is used as well, though this highly
breakable pipe is uncommon in "range improvements." Pipelines may
lead from springs, wells, or small dams to distant stock tanks. In some areas
pipelines several miles long have been constructed (frequently at taxpayers'
expense) to enable cows to graze in areas that could not otherwise support
livestock. Sometimes these pipelines are buried, but usually large segments of
them are above ground, especially in rocky country, thus vulnerable to
monkeywrenching. The black PVC pipe can be cut with a pocketknife, although
carrying a small hatchet will make the job easier. Cutting a pipeline once may
render it temporarily useless, but far better is to walk along it cutting it
repeatedly. Rigid PVC pipe can easily be shattered with a large rock. Aluminum
pipe can be punctured with a hammer and large nail, although a hammer and cold
chisel would probably work better. The latter may also suffice for small steel
pipelines; if not, it may be necessary to disassemble the pipe with a couple of
pipe wrenches.
PVC pipe is cheap and easy to replace. Even a dozen breaks in a line can be
quickly found because of the leaking water, and repaired in a few hours at
relatively low cost.
an improved, field-tested method for dealing with such water lines. This method
can only be used when the pipe is not carrying water, such as when the cattle
have been moved to another range. That's the safest time, anyway.
First, drill a small (1/8") hole in the pipe. Next,
inject one of the urethane foam caulking compounds (like "Polycel"),
commonly sold in hardware stores. This compound comes in an aerosol can with a
very small nozzle. The compound expands to several times its original volume
and forms a hard, tight plug in the pipe, completely blocking the pipe. The
entire operation takes about two minutes. One plug will do the job, but it is
best to do it at least twice at widely separated spots in the pipeline.
The only external evidence of the damage
is the 1/8" hole plugged with the foam. Even if the rancher knew what to
look for, finding this would require an inch-by-inch inspection of the pipe. To
be safe, drill the hole in an inconspicuous location such as where the pipe is
the following tips:
1. Even when the pump is off, water will remain in the
low-lying portions of the pipe. It may be best to go uphill and plug a dry
section, but the procedure will work in water-filled pipes. (At least it works
in a water-filled pipe up to 1.5" in diameter, the largest so far tried.)
2. The procedure will not work if water
is flowing, because the foam is washed away before it sets. If you drill into
such a pipe, don't just walk away. That little fountain coming from a drilled
hole may give unnecessary clues to the rancher. Make your work look like an
accident or simple vandalism by smashing that section of the pipe with rock or
3. Read the directions on the aerosol
can. The can must be inverted to work-if it isn't, you'll just inject gas. Keep
foam off clothing, skin, tools, etc. It's very sticky and will not dissolve in
common solvents.
Fast and inconspicuous for you-slow and expensive for the
Marlboro Man!
STOCK TANKS AND WATER TROUGHS - Previous editions of Ecodefense suggested puncturing stock
tanks with a hammer and large nail. Punctures, though, are relatively easy to
patch. It is better to gash thin-walled metal tanks with an ax or hatchet.
Thick-walled tanks can be gashed with a cold chisel and large hammer. Make as
long and ragged a gash as possible. Gashing right above the base is most
effective and hardest to patch. Concrete water troughs can be thoroughly
smashed with a sledgehammer or with large rocks. You may think that shooting
metal tanks full of holes during hunting season is a good idea. This is not recommended. Ballistics tests
may trace your spent bullets to your gun. There is also a serious danger in
ricochets; even a high-powered rifle won't penetrate thick-walled tanks.
Sometimes small drinking troughs will
be fed from a large stock tank by means of a float valve, like the one in your
toilet (See illustration.) Find the float valve. It is usually between the tank
and the drinking trough, and covered by a removable hatch. Wire the float valve
in the "up" position. When the water level in the drinking trough
drops, the float will remain up and no more water will flow into the trough.
Or, rip out the float mechanism and dispose of it.
Many metal tanks and concrete troughs are fed by pumps.
These pumps can be damaged in a variety of ways, such as pouring abrasives in
the oil.
WINDMILLS - The towers for most
windmills are now made of steel members which are assembled on the spot using
simple nuts and bolts. With enough time and the proper tools (a couple of
crescent wrenches or maybe a socket set) a monkeywrencher could completely
disassemble a tower. However, there are less-laborious ways of putting
windmills out of business.
Windmills generally
have a mechanism (it may look like a small crank attached to a chain or cable)
to stop the vanes from turning, and thus stop the sucker rods' up-and-down
motion (this motion is what pumps the
water out of the well). The
sucker rods are usually made from several sections of steel pipe, or solid
steel rods, threaded together.
effective way to render a windmill inoperative is as follows:
* Stop the motion of the windmill.
* Using a couple of pipe wrenches,
disassemble the sucker rods at a joint.
* Draw the sucker
rod out of the well casing until you come to another joint. The weight of the rod will depend on the
depth of the well, but unless the well is deep, one or two people should be
able do this.
* Using the wrenches, remove the next
section(s) of rod.
* Let the remaining sucker rod fall down into the well
casing, where it will be difficult to retrieve. Note: it might be possible to cut the sucker rods with a hacksaw, if
they are not too thick. This would probably be simpler.
Some monkeywrenchers shoot holes in the oil reservoirs on
windmills to burn up the gears. They aim for the metal cover on the gearbox;
oil dribbles out. If the vane is folded and the windmill is unable to turn,
they pull up on the lever to open it up and hope for a good breeze. Because of
additional criminal penalties attached to crimes where firearms are used, and
pollution by the oil, monkeywrenchers should be very reluctant to try this.
A windmill may also be pulled over by cutting support cable
(if any), loosening nuts at the base, and pulling it over with a come-along,
winch, horse, or vehicle. Be careful of the falling tower!
Fences are what tamed the West for the livestock barons.
They impede the movement of Elk, Pronghorn, deer, and other wildlife, as well
as that of hikers. They destroy the open-space feeling of the land and give it
a cow-pasture, private property look. Fences are the key management tool in
making the range available to livestock grazing. Simply cutting fence will
cause great disruption to our landed gentry. Fences are expensive. Some experts
estimate that 100 people cutting fence on a regular basis around the West could
put public land ranchers out of business. Fence cutting is easy and relatively
The best tool for fence cutting is a
"fence tool." It looks like a weird, overgrown pair of pliers and a
good pair can be purchased for about $20 at most hardware stores. It can be
used for hammering, twisting wire, pulling staples, and cutting wire. Most
fences are constructed of barbed wire or net wire. A fencing tool will cut either
with ease.
You should not just go out and cavalierly start cutting
fence. Some fences protect the land. You do not want to cut a fence and allow
cattle from overgrazed areas to enter an ungrazed area or one in relatively
good condition. Never cut a fence separating an ungrazed National Park or
National Wildlife Refuge from grazed National Forest, BLM, state, or private
land. Do not cut fences in riparian areas (public lands agencies are actually
trying, in some areas-against great rancher opposition in some cases, but with
rancher support in others-to get cattle out of some sensitive riparian areas).
It is dangerous to cut fence along highways. People die every year in the West
from hitting cows in "open range" areas with their cars. Leave highway
fences up. Think about the likely results before you cut. Some clever
monkeywrenchers, however, cut fence to allow cattle to wander through
campgrounds, picnic areas, and other recreation areas in order to outrage more
people about the grazing of livestock on public land.
Cutting an old, rusty, run-down fence is often not worth the
effort, as the fence is probably obsolete or due to be rebuilt soon anyway.
Give priority to new, expensive-looking fences.
When you have selected suitable fencing to cut, pick your time
carefully. Avoid hunting season. There are more people out in the field then
(hunters and game wardens, of course, and ranchers to make sure that cows
aren't shot). If possible, pick a season when the cattle or sheep have been
moved to another pasture. A quarter moon night is good. So is bad weather.
(Beware of lightning-barbed wire fences can attract it.) Some experienced
fence cutters believe it is best to monkeywrench during daylight because it
looks less suspicious, and because one can do a much quicker and more thorough
job, with less risk of injury. When cutting fence, it is important to look like
a cowboy; most folks other than ranchers have no idea what happens on a ranch
and will simply think you're doing ranch work.
Walk along your carefully chosen fence in one direction,
cutting as you go. Do not double back. You might find someone looking for you.
Check behind yourself frequently. You are, after all, leaving a perfect trail.
Binoculars are useful for watching your back trail. Beforehand you should
select several possible escape routes. Look carefully ahead of you as well as behind you, as you cut. Once in a while
STOP suddenly, be dead silent, and listen carefully. When you leave your
fencing work, do not leave a trail that someone can follow back to your home,
camp, or vehicle. Do not loiter. Do your work and leave.
You can cut a mile or more of fence in an hour once you get
moving. Snip each strand of wire between posts but do not damage the posts.
They will be needed for reconstruction of the fence later and will prevent
other trees from being cut for fence posts. Give special attention to corner
posts since they are integral to supporting the entire line of fence. All wire
should be cut on support and corner posts, gates, cattle guards, and the like.
Instead of cutting between each post, you also can randomly cut wire along a
greater length of fence and probably still necessitate the complete restringing
of the fence. Some experienced fence cutters cut strands only between every
second or third post, but also vary their pattern. They believe this will cost
more time and money in repair.
Barbed wire is usually strung under tension, so be careful when cutting it. When cutting, stand well to the side of the wire and cut
strands next to the post. Do not hold on to the wire as previous editions of Ecodefense suggested. Fortunately, many
public-lands ranchers are too lazy to keep their fences in good repair, so the
wire is apt to be loose.
An experienced barbed
wire fence repair person suggests that to do the most expensive damage to a
fence, one should cut out one-foot sections between posts. Throw the cut
section away from the fence where it can't be easily found. To repair this kind
of cutting requires three people and many pieces of wire. If enough one-foot
sections are taken out, it will require the complete restringing of the fence.
Replacing cut fence is costly for the rancher. Two-point
barbed wire costs about $80 for a quarter-mile spool. Cutting a mile of
four-strand fence necessitates the replacement of $1280 of wire. Of course,
the fence must be so cut up that it is not feasible to repair it by splicing
cut ends back together.
Fence cutting is hard on your hands: Wear gloves to protect
your hands and to avoid leaving fingerprints.
Equipment and Machinery
Most big ranches are heavily mechanized, with a variety of
vehicles and equipment used in their daily operations. These include
bulldozers, backhoes, tractors, heavy trucks (both for hauling equipment and
cattle), and horse trailers. These vehicles are often parked around the ranch
house, but when they are being used for particular projects (building a stock
tank, say) they are apt to be left out in the boonies for a few days and
nights. The usual techniques for disabling vehicles and heavy equipment can be
applied to ranch equipment.
Public lands ranchers, no doubt aware of the indefensible
nature of many of their practices, are hypersensitive about public criticism.
For this reason any means of bringing their depredations to the attention of
the public will have a twofold benefit-it will both educate the public and give
the ranchers high blood pressure.
Recently in the Southwest the press reported an outbreak of
sign alteration. Someone was using a stencil to modify those ubiquitous highway
signs that warn the motorist of open range-the ones that show a big cow on a
yellow background. (See section on "Stencils" in the Propaganda
chapter.) They were adding to the signs messages like "Stop overgrazing,"
and "Get cows off the public lands." Needless to say, the ranching
community was outraged. $500
rewards were offered for the perpetrators and serious penalties were threatened
should they be apprehended.
If you live in a rural area and decide to try to rectify the
abuses of overgrazing through monkeywrenching, it would probably be best to
keep a low profile on other conservation issues and to avoid publicly
criticizing the livestock industry. Indeed, it may be wise not to engage in
anti-grazing monkeywrenching in your home area at all.
-High Plains Drifter
* There has recently
been a trend in some parts of the West for ranchers to install submersible
electric pumps in wells, even in wells in remote areas without electric lines.
Evidently the ranchers are using portable electric generators to run the
pumps-a pump is run long enough to fill a large stock tank; then the generator
is removed. It may be difficult to remove the submersible pump from the well
casing without special equipment (although if this can be done, it certainly
would be effective). However, such wells do have vulnerable electrical wiring
and circuit boxes on the surface. The circuit boxes can be smashed with a
sledge or large rock; the wiring can be repeatedly cut with a fencing tool or
bolt cutters.
Smash apart feed and water troughs and salt block holders.
* Cut, smash, and pull apart corrals. Corrals are expensive
to repair or replace, and are necessary for ranching operations. Do the same
to pens, chutes, loading ramps, stock scales, and other structures. They can
also be burned. (Keep in mind that such use of fire constitutes arson and
carries additional penalties.)
* Some ecotage actions against livestock grazing are
discouraged for various reasons. Poisoning cattle with oleander clippings
should be avoided because some species of grazing wildlife may also be
vulnerable. The press recently reported that a champion racing Buffalo died
after eating hay that had oleander leaves and stalks accidentally mixed in, for
example. We do not know if Elk, Pronghorn, Bighorn Sheep, or other wild
critters would be poisoned by oleander clippings put out for cattle on public
lands. In another case, 35 cattle in northern Utah died after eating clippings
of English yew, an ornamental widely planted around homes in that region.
Again, we do not know if this plant is toxic to wildlife as well.
Some people have proposed simply shooting cattle. This is
dangerous, would likely be counterproductive, and would carry severe penalties
if the shooter were caught. More important, the lead bullet will remain in the
cow carcass. A critter that scavenges the meat may ingest that bullet and die
of lead poisoning. California Condors have died after ingesting lead bullets in
carcasses. If you must shoot, use only steel bullets.
Finally, we discourage the importation of diseases or
disease-bearing parasites into the Western open range. A recent newspaper
article reported on the 60 cowboys employed by the Department of Agriculture to
patrol the Rio Grande from its mouth to Amistad Dam to keep out Mexican cattle.
The Mexican cows are infested with ticks that carry a disease organism causing
so-called Texas fever or cattle fever. The article reported that if the cattle
fever tick became established in the United States, it could cause $5 billion
worth of damage a year to the cattle industry. Besides the possible biological
dangers, trying to smuggle these ticks across the border to the public lands
grazing states would be personally dangerous and would be counterproductive.
*A few thoughts on
public lands grazing strategy: Every BLM grazing district has several large
ranches on the edge of bankruptcy, despite recent high beef prices. These
ranches can be determined by speaking discretely with the BLM, real estate
agencies, or by examining county tax delinquency records. These ranches almost
certainly are destroying riparian areas, wildlife winter range, and/or
recreational resources. The public should be made aware of the destruction and
the ranch should be mentioned by name and linked with the deteriorated
condition. Try letters to the editor, TV reports, or tours for newspaper
The object is to make potential
buyers aware of the actual value of the ranch. This will have the effect of
lowering the value of the ranch to reflect its real worth and should reduce
inflated bank borrowing power. A few large ranches revalued to actual worth
will have a chilling effect on the local market. Enough local market exposures
will have an effect throughout the West.
Cautionary Notes About
Monkeywrenching Grazing
sabotage of range "improvements" may do more harm than good. Study
the target area before taking action against:
'l Windmills and Water Tanks. These water developments concentrate cattle in their vicinity and may actually prevent livestock from abusing more remote areas. Severe overgrazing, bare dirt, and trampling usually indicate the presence of water facilities. Only the most remote water developments should even be considered as potential targets, and only if alternative sources of natural water are available to wildlife.
Fences. Casual fence-cutting will
make you a best friend of the "trespass" grazier, the worst abuser of
public lands. These greedy stockmen will cut fences and leave gates open to
allow their stock to "innocently" wander onto lands where they are
not legally permitted. If you know a stretch of fence that routinely entangles
and kills wildlife, observe the following procedures: To protect deer, cut the
second wire from the top. Deer are killed when their hind leg doesn't clear the
top wire and becomes twisted between the top two strands. A twelve to eighteen
inch spacing between the top wires prevents this problem. If antelope are
trapped (a winter problem) cut the bottom wire to allow the animals to crawl
Overgrazing. There is plenty of
worthwhile overgrazed land around, so limit your hits to these most abused
areas. Educate yourself in the rudiments of range management so you can learn
to recognize the symptoms. Know about the succession from grass to brush to
trees. Learn to recognize snakeweed, greasewood, and other plants that are
indicators of overgrazing. Train yourself to recognize the early signs of soil
erosion as well as the more severe arroyo-cutting. Also, know which grasses and
shrubs the livestock consume so you can tell at a glance if they're gnawing
them down to nothing.
Because ranchers in some areas have become suspicious of
animal rights saboteurs hitting their range improvements, make sure you're
equipped with leather boots, canned meat (if you're a vegetarian, you can
always give it to a panhandler later), and some Outdoor Life magazines in
case some suspicious cowpokes insist on poking around your camp or car.
-T O. Hellenbach